Iller, Carola Schiersmann, Christiane
REPORT Literatur- und Forschungsreport Weiterbildung
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In der Weiterbildungswissenschaft hat sich eine Hinwendung zur empirischen Forschung vollzogen. Dadurch werden immer wieder neue und neuartige Fragestellungen an die Empirie herangetragen. In allen Beiträgen werden forschungsmethodische Aspekte im Hinblick auf weiterbildungswissenschaftliche Fragestellungen thematisiert. Zudem werden methodisch oder gegenstandsbezogen neue bzw. wenig verbreitete
Ansätze vorgestellt.
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Lauber-Pohle, Sabine; Reimer, Ricarda T. D.

"Klicken und Tippen" neue Wege in der empirischen Praxis

Zur Theorie und Praxis von Onlineforschungen
„Click and Type“ – new ways into the empirical practice
On theory and practice of online researches

It is still relatively unsettled what online research resp. online questionaires are and what effects these instruments have on the entire research process. On the basis of different sources and experiences from own projects this contribution goes into the matter of the single einzelnen effects online research from different perspectives, such as e. g. the options of figuration, the warranty of anonymity and data privacy, the digital splitting. A (self-) critical view on the changed research behaviour of adult education is urgently necessary bearing in mind the background of the rapid increase of computer mediated communication (CMC = Computer Mediated Communication).

Molzberger, Gabriele; Rautenstrauch, Christina

Computerunterstützte Datenanalyse in der qualitativen Weiterbildungsforschung

Erfahrungen mit der Software MAXqda 2 und Atlas.ti
Computer aided data analysis in the qualitative adult education research
Experiences with the software MAXqda 2 and Atlas.ti

The qualitative social research has various different programmes to choose from when evaluating data which can make the systemization and organization of data easier. In the contribution two works from research in adult education and respective usage of software for qualitative data analysis are exemplarily discussed. Thereby especially the process of the (network) building categories and the work with research notes are focused mainly on. The authors stress that the usage of these programmes necessitate an intensive reflection of the methodogical acting on which basis researchers should use the programmes ??s functions in a creative and flexible way depending on the requirements or their research question.

Bellmann, Lutz; Leber, Ute

Berufliche Weiterbildungsforschung

Datenlage, Forschungsfragen und ausgewählte Ergebnisse
Vocational adult education research
Data situation, research questions and selected results

Likewise the meaning of adult education the number of reseach works with this theme increase.
Prerequisite for interpretation and classification of the present results of adult education research is the knowledge of the underlying sources of data and information. The text at hand gives an overview of the data situation in the area of vocational adult education whereas it features also company questioning besides people questioning. Thereby the fundamental characteristics of these inquiries are scetched and examined in terms of their respective validity. Concluding some central empirical results as based on these examinations are posed. In doing so the participation on ? adult education of different groups of people among others and the operational context factors of qualification are elaborated on.

Jütte, Wolfgang

Methodische Überlegungen zu Netzwerkanalysen

Methodogical deliberations on network analyses

The network analysis as an empirical examination method for gathering social relationships is presently gaining increasing dissemination in different branches of study and fields. In the contribution network analysis basic approaches are the framework for reference and analysis for research works in the field of adult education are illuminated. In doing so a special focus is placed on the development of adequate examination concepts. Concluding the specific reception barriers of network analytical works are expanded on.

Ludwig, Joachim


Case studies

The contribution describes principles and possible yields for the implementation of case studies in the area of adult education. The research practical implementation itself is deliniated with an example from a research project from the area of learning research. Amplified are especially the central phases of the approach to the research field and the interpretation work.

Wörner, Alexander

„Konstruktion“ und „Selbstorganisation“ in der Erwachsenenpädagogik

Überlegungen zum pädagogischen Status zweier Konzepte
„Construction“ and „self organization“ in adult pedagogy
Deliberations on the pedagogical status of two concepts

Constructivistical concepts have pervaded the younger adult pedagogical discussion in equally promissory as problem marked forms. The contribution unfolds an exemplary analysis fo the two constructivistical key notions „construction“ and „self organization“ which calls attention to the notion logical presentation of a problem as it is so far widely unconsidered in the adult pedagogical debate.