Nuissl von Rein, Ekkehard Schiersmann, Christiane Siebert, Horst
Professionalität, Beruf, Studiengänge
REPORT Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung
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Die Weiterbildung befindet sich in ungewissen Zeiten in einem Umbruch. Aktuelle Stichworte sind die zu beobachtende Deinstitutionalisierung verbunden mit einem Bedeutungszuwachs selbstgesteuerter und non-formaler bzw. informeller Lernprozesse, der Ersatz des Bildungsbegriffs durch den Lernbegriff, die Betonung der Eigenverantwortung der Lernenden für die Gestaltung ihrer Lernbiografie sowie die Frage der Zertifizierung informell erworbener Kompetenzen. Diese Erosion des Weiterbildungsfeldes kann nicht ohne Konsequenzen für die Ausgestaltung der Professionalität der in diesem Feld Tätigen bleiben. Es muss diskutiert werden, was aktuell als Professionalität in diesem Bereich zu fassen ist und wie sie aufrechtzuerhalten bzw. weiterzuentwickeln ist. Dieser Thematik widmet sich die vorliegende Ausgabe des REPORT.
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Dewe, Bernd

Der Professionalitätsanspruch der Weiterbildung im Spannungsfeld zwischen Managerialismus, evidenzbasierter Praxis und Teilnehmerverpflichtung

The pretentions on professionalization of further education in the area of tension between managerism, evidence based practice and obligation of participants

The transformation of the welfare state also leads to a change in professional profiles in further education. This shows among others in the tendencies of de-professionalization, such as in the form of a (re-) subordination of adult pedagogical professional roles and activities under the logics of administration, market and law or other professions or in a substitution of professionalism of procedure and manuals. At the same time one can find evidence that the, by means of the structural change, conditioned increase of complexity of social risks makes this requisite: an extended knowledge and competence structures that are not contained to a sufficient degree in the so far trafficked variations of adult pedagogical professionalism. Against the background this contribution deals with the risks of the structural change and questions of the substantiation, the suppositions and limits of future-oriented forms of adult pedagogical professionalism.

Schemmann, Michael; Wittpoth, Jürgen

Gestufte Studiengänge und Professionalisierung der Erwachsenenbildung

Reflexionen vor dem Hintergrund erster Erfahrungen an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Stepped courses of studies and professionalization of adult education
Reflections against the background of first experiences at the Ruhr-University Bochum

The contribution takes the occasion of the dynamics of reform, with the transposition of the study into two cycles, to show policy-making decisions which need to be made for the study offers in the area of adult education. One important point of reference is the question, as to what extent the reform counteracts the efforts concerning professionalization of adult education so far. Thereby one draws on experiences of the Ruhr-University Bochum, which has already inaugurated stepped courses of studies.

Groß, Maritta

Subjektive Lernbegründungen für das Studium der Pädagogik mit Studienrichtung Andragogik

Einblicke in eine qualitative Studie
Subjective learning substantiations for the study of pedagogy with the field of study of andragogy
Insights into a qualitative study

Why do people decide for a pedagogical/andragogical study? Which ideas, desires, expectations or also fears do they connect with the choice of this learning- and education path? The learning substantiations for the pedagogical study are the first step towards a path to profession and professionalization. This is why in a regional, qualitative study at the chair of andagogy at the University Bamberg (cp. Groß 2005) students of pedagogy/andragogy among others were questioned on their subjective learning substantiations and the therewith connected meaning content and development lines. In the following, details of the won learning substantiation patterns are presented.

Gieseke, Wiltrud

Fortbildungsbedarfe bei Planer/inne/n und Dozent/inn/en in der Weiterbildung

Empirische Befunde einer Befragung in Berlin und Brandenburg
Further education demands with planers and tutors in further education
Empirical results of a survey in Berlin and Brandenburg

Against the background of an individual, organisational and structural level of normatively formulated professionalization claim, the author of this contribution goes into the question of how pedagogically acting protagonists in institutions of further education estimate their own demand for qualification and further education. For this she reverts to the results of a study carried out in Berlin and Brandenburg, which allows interesting insights. A broad spectrum of themes become obvious, which lets especially the desire for a constitutive adult pedagogical knowledge become clear.

Nuissl, Ekkehard

Professionalisierung in Europa

Professionalization in Europe

This contribution deals with the state of professionalization in adult education on the level of single member states in the European Union. Concerning this the DIE has brought into being a research group, in which further education researchers from Sweden, Denmark, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Italy, France and Portugal are represented. The inputs for the constituent assembly of the research group and the first discussions of the initial situation and research demands mark a heterogeneous and in all too little developed state of professionalization in the area of further education.

Hövel, Erik vom; Schüßler, Ingeborg

Die erwachsenenpädagogische Atmosphäre

(Wieder-)Entdeckung einer zentralen didaktischen Kategorie
The atmosphere of adult pedagogy
(Re-) discovery of a central didactical category

Even though every teacher would give the pedagogical atmosphere a central meaning for the progression of the learning activity, the marginal theoretical capture of this phenomenon in adult pedagogic is astonishing. A look over the edge of a plate makes it clear, that general pedagogy, philosophy and psychology has already come to interesting cognitions. Against this background, the aim of the contribution is to remind of the meaning of this category for adult pedagogy (again) and to work out interdisciplinary starting points for a theory of adult pedagogical atmosphere.

Schlutz, Erhard

Berzbach, Frank: Die Ethikfalle. 2005

Das Buch in der Diskussion

Arnold, Rolf

Berzbach, Frank: Die Ethikfalle. 2005

Das Buch in der Diskussion

Faulstich, Peter

Berzbach, Frank: Die Ethikfalle. 2005

Das Buch in der Diskussion

Dollhausen, Karin

Berzbach, Frank: Die Ethikfalle. 2005

Das Buch in der Diskussion

Rhein, Rüdiger

Kompetenzen und Kompetenzmessung
