Nuissl von Rein, Ekkehard Schiersmann, Christiane Siebert, Horst
REPORT Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung
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Der REPORT thematisiert Netzwerke unter vier Aspekten, die in der Diskussion aktuell bedeutsam sind: die Beziehung zwischen Netzwerken und soziologisch orientierten Institutionalisierungsdebatten, die systemreflexive Evaluation von Netzwerkarbeit, die konkrete Realisierung von Netzwerken mit Bezug auf verbindende Themen und die Problematik der Verstetigung und Nachhaltigkeit von Netzwerken. Die Beiträge des Hefte nehmen Bezug auf die laufende wissenschaftliche Diskussion, aber auch auf die konkrete Realität der Entwicklung von Netzwerken. Der REPORT trägt damit zur Weiterentwicklung der aktuellen Netzwerkdebatte bei.
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Schemmann, Michael

Weiterbildungsnetzwerke aus Sicht des soziologischen Neo-Institutionalismus

Further education networks from the view of the sociological neo-socialisms

The contribution analyses chances and perspectives which are opened up by applying the theory of sociological neo-institutionalism to network research carried out within the field of adult education. The theory is understood as complementary to those network theories and concepts which are referred to within research already. In a first step basic assumptions and concepts of the sociological neo-institutionalism are being discussed before analysing the compatibility of the theory with networks. In a next step research questions and perspectives which result from the application of the theory to networks are being analysed, referring to the discussed assumption and concepts. The contribution concludes with a plea for theoretical triangulation.

Weber, Susanne Maria

Systemreflexive Evaluation von Netzwerken und Netzwerk-Programmen

Eine methodologische Perspektive
System reflexive evaluation of networks and network programmes
A methodological perspective

To contextualise and substantiate evaluation is a claim which the evaluation of the programme „Learning Regions – Providing Support for Networks” of the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) formulates. But which basic approaches and proceedings are suitable to consolidate the item `networks` with suitable theoretical complexity and methodologically reflective evaluation? In this contribution a system reflexive perspective on network programmes is suggested. This opens up item theoretical, context theoretical, methodological and programme theoretical question dimensions. On the basis of the structuring theoretical basic approach the network evaluation is put into context of the network regulation on several levels. The programmes theirselves, their evaluation methodologies and actors therefore appear in a production context.

Matalik, Silvia E.; Wolf, Gertrud

Themennetze und die systematische Erzeugung von Neuem

Eine Systematisierung am Beispiel der Lernenden Regionen
Theme networks and the systematic generation of the new
A systematization using the example of the learning regions

Meta structures in the form of content orientated “topic net groups” offers a possibility for communication and exchange between the regional projects in the program “Learning Regions – Providing Support for Networks”. Thereby they build a field of communication in which practice problems and their solutions appear and therefore they can be brought to discussion. Thus topic net groups give access to the practice fields, their crises and solutions which can’t be anticipate in an only cognitive scientific experiment. The emergence of such practice cases disposed the basis for research, transfer and dissemination. The topic net groups “Neue Übergänge” (new transitions) shows the processes of communication that are necessary to initiate a productive exchange between practice and theory. We discussed the effectively of these groups as a successful strategy for education networking by means of the first results of our work. At least we will develop some important questions for further research within the field of networking and lifelong learning.

Elsholz, Uwe

Strategien zur Verstetigung von Netzwerkarbeit

Ausgewählte Ergebnisse aus dem Kontext des BMBF-Programms „Lernkultur Kompetenzentwicklung“
Strategies for the strengthening of networking work
Selected results from the context of the programme of the Federal Ministry for Education and Research “Learning culture and competency development”

A large number of publications on the subject matter of network are engaged with the conditions of the initiation as well as the management of networks. An issue that has so far been neglected in research however poses the question of the strengthening of networking work. The initiation of networks, particularly of those in further education, happens in many cases through the provision of additional resources in the frame of initiatives or projects. These resources are as a rule only available for a restricted amount of time, so that the question of the strengthening of networking work after the funding period ends arises. In this respect the contribution introduces results on strengthening strategies for networks, which descend from the context of the programme of the Federal Ministry for Education and Research “Learning culture and competency development”.

Pätzold, Henning

Lernforschung bei Fernstudierenden

Ein empirischer Einblick in die Praxis des Fernstudiums
Research on learning of distance learners
An empirical insight into the practice of distance learning

Albeit the high relevance of distance education and distance studies in the field of lifelong learning strategies, there is only few knowledge on the actual process in which the distant student learns. This article presents and discusses the results of a research project, in which distance students filled in questionnaires concerning their learning several times a week over a period of three months. The results emphasise descriptive issues like the expenditure of time and correlative results concerning factors of success and failure.

Nolda, Sigrid

Neuere englischsprachige Literatur zum Lernen


Egetenmeyer-Neher, Regina

Faulstich, Peter: Öffentliche Wissenschaft. 2006
