Nuissl von Rein, Ekkehard
DIE Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung
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Im Herbst 2009 jährt sich der Mauerfall und damit die Auflösung der Machtblöcke von Ost und West zum zwanzigsten Mal. Die Transformation der postsozialistischen Welt ist seither in vollem Gange und die Weiterbildung unterschiedlich involviert. Im Heft stehen vor allem die Prozesse eines Transfers von Strukturen und Konzepten der Weiterbildung im Fokus. Auf der Einbahnstraße der nachholenden Modernisierung mussten dabei Unfälle passieren (so erging es etwa der ersten Programmgeneration von QUEM im West-Ost-Transfer). Aber prägt diese Erkenntnis auch die aktuellen Weiterbildungsexporte in Transformationsländer?
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Schäffter, Ortfried

Stichwort: "Transformation"


Koch, Sascha

Zwei lehrreiche Jahrzehnte

Einsichten und Interpretationsangebote der Transformationsforschung für die Weiterbildung
This article proposes two interpretational approaches which sociological transformation research offers to reflect on east German transformation processes after reunification. (1) Taking the concept of transformation as modernisation catching up, a picture is painted of a society going through inevitable modernisation processes with a time delay. (2) From the theoretical perspective of contextualisation, transformation is seen as an objectless, complex, conflict-prone process during which eastern professionals re-shape western institutions in the light of regional, social and cultural conditions. The author favours this “context-sensitive” interpretation of post-socialist transformation processes. It provides a plausible explanation for the variety of transformation processes in eastern European countries. The article is set in the framework of continuing education: at the start, it depicts the state of research into eastern German continuing education after 1989, and at the end the author comments on how transformation research has been received in continuing education research.

Kirchhöfer, Dieter

"Die gestellten Fragen sind die eigentliche Leistung von QUEM"

Resümee eines Transformationsprogramms
From 1992 to 2007 a considerable amount of German and EU funding was put into development projects described as “Qualification Development Management” (German acronym: QUEM) and aimed to support the quality of vocational qualification structures in the former GDR. QUEM was sponsored by the ABWF (Study Group for Corporate Continuing Education Research). In this article the author, a scientist working on QUEM, sums up the activities in the programmes and projects which were funded. He identifies two phases. Whereas until the year 2000 projects were based on the idea of catching up on modernisation, from 2001 QUEM turned into an innovation-shaping factor, with its programme “Lernkultur Kompetenzentwicklung” (competency development as a culture of learning). QUEM’s achievement was to introduce a re-orientation towards a new learning culture, emphasising the endogenous potential of different regions. The author believes that the programme was crucial in advancing an overall view of the development of vocational training as part of life-long learning, revolving not only around competencies acquired by individual learners but also those acquired by organisations.

Meyer, Wolfgang; Stockmann, Reinhard

Entwicklungszusammenarbeit im Bereich der Erwachsenenbildung

Akteure, Strukturen und Wirkungen
This article sums up development cooperation in adult education, providing information about the fields in which this cooperation takes place, which funds it uses and which professionals are involved. When it comes to the question of how German adult education exports have affected transitional countries, the spotlight is on evaluation. The authors ascertain that evaluation work has reached different stages in different educational fields. In the sector of vocational education cooperation the first impact studies have already been published, though longitudinal analyses have not yet been carried out. However, in cultural and general adult education, and especially in political adult education, cooperation is still in its infancy as regards evaluation.

Lattke, Susanne

Südosteuropa-Strategien auf dem Prüfstand

Aus einer Evaluierung derEntwicklungszusammenarbeit von dvv international
South-east European countries are receiving support from “western” institutions in developing their education system structures. One professional involved in development cooperation in the field of adult education is dvv international, the German Adult Education Association’s institute for international cooperation. By evaluating work in Romania, Serbia and Kosovo, this article reflects on strategic decisions resulting from this work. It demonstrates that it is correct to take account of differences between countries by operating country-specific project offices. At the same time, however, it is necessary to work as a network, especially in view of EU accession. There should also be no other alternative than to link lobbying work at a political level with activities at a meso-level (e.g. developing professionalism) and a micro-level (e.g. target group work). Finally, the article turns to the particular difficulties of achieving sustainable results.

Kiem, Johann

"Dorfbildungstage" in Südtirol

Weiterbildung zwischenIdentitätspflege und Interethnizität
This article describes the “Dorfbildungstage” ("Village Education Days” as a specific instructional format widely used in the valleys of the autonomous Italian province of South Tyrol. The format's regional importance comes from the fact that it integrates an inter-ethnic factor. In these largely rural communities, where differences between ethnic groups are always in the foreground, the village education days form a culture whereby German and Italian ethnic groups shape village learning together on a voluntary basis.

Marquart, Michael

Grundtvig: Trends in der Antragsrunde 2009

A good two-and-a-half years after the EU's lifelong learning education programme began, the German National Agency has drawn up an interim balance and reflects current trends of the 2009 applications in the programme. GRUNDTVIG for general adult education. There is increasing demand for established forms of funding, affecting both learning partnerships and continuing education funding for individual workers in the field. Since 2009 the EU has put forward various new funding programmes. There has been great demand for bilateral exchanges on voluntary projects for older people, as well as for more informal visits and exchanges, while more long-term periods abroad (assistantships drive) have got off to a weaker start. The workshops drive has received a warm reception in Germany; however, looking outside Germany it can be seen that demand has varied greatly across European countries.