Nuissl von Rein, Ekkehard Schiersmann, Christiane Siebert, Horst
Management und Organisationsentwicklung
REPORT Literatur- und Forschungsreport Weiterbildung
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Diese Ausgabe der Zeitschrift REPORT widmet sich der institutionellen Seite der Weiterbildung und thematisiert Management, Entwicklung und Veränderung von Organisationen. Das Heft greift damit einen Aspekt auf, der noch immer in der Weiterbildungsforschung vernachlässigt ist. Eine im Zuge der Vorbereitung dieses Heftes durchgeführte gezielte Recherche nach aktuellen empirischen Projekten und neueren empirisch fundierten Publikationen ergab zumindest unter quantitativen Gesichtspunkten recht dürftige Resultate. Angesichts der aktuellen Veränderungsprozesse des Weiterbildungssystems und seiner Institutionen erscheint dies bedauerlich. Die Wissenschaft von der Weiterbildung könnte einen intensiveren Part bei der Analyse der Veränderung von Strukturen, Abläufen und Kulturen der Organisationen spielen und aufgrund ihrer Ergebnisse Anregungen und Empfehlungen für die Praxis geben. Aber immerhin: Es gibt doch einiges, sonst wäre das vorliegende anspruchsvolle Heft nicht zu Stande gekommen.
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Arnold, Rolf; Lermen, Markus

Die Systemik des Bedarfs: "Es geht eigentlich um etwas ganz anders"

Arnold, Rolf; Lermen, Markus: The systematic of the need: „It is actually about something quite different“

For professionals in the departments of adult education the question of the different starting points, strategies and methods of needs analysis, respectively of making information on needs accessible, has an important role on the way into a market orientated adult education. The question of need sometimes grows into a meaning of large dimension, which makes the impression that this emphasis is based on something else – something of a sybolical meaning. We think that there is much to be said for “need” respectively “need orientation” not being basic categories because one can say something about it with numbered precision and “forced” deduction but rather because of the dissemination and nurturing of the illusion that is is possible to secure one’s practice in adult education and educational budget legitimatory and join the concert of the other protagonists in the hierarchic organisation – at least transitorily. The present article traces this systematic of the need in the way that the question is discussed which instances co-operate in which manner, respectively can be called in. At the same time the functions as well as the institutional power of a systematic needs analysis must be discussed.

Iller, Carola; Sixt, Annika

Weiterbildungsanbieter als "feste Ansprechpartner" für die Weiterbildung in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen

Iller, Carola; Sixt, Carola: Adult education providers as a “steady counterpart” for adult education in small and medium sized companies

Results of case studies in companies concerning the needs analysis of small and medium sized companies show that the service offers for adult education should not be restricted to the analysis of the need for adult education. Additionally the companies should be supported when choosing their strategical site and the planning and implementation of reorganisational processes. This is why comprehensive offers of consultancy offers and adult education offers from “one source” are interesting for them. Does this entail the chance for adult education providers to broaden their range of offer?

Dietrich, Stephan; Herr, Monika

Organisationsentwicklung und neue Lernkulturen

Dietrich, Stephan; Herr, Monika: Organisational development and new learning cultures

The theme “new teaching and learning cultures” is a thematic focus in the professional discourse of adult education for a few years already. One consequence of the hightened attention is an increasingly differentiated understanding of what can be regarded as the ”new teaching and learning cultures”. It can be observed that the treatment of the theme does not allow a restriction on the questions of didactics and learning organisation. Already today efforts can be seen of the practice of trying to create good conditions for teaching and learning that want to support and foster the self-directed learning of adults. These efforts clearly highlight the need to integrate the adult education institutions in a creative way. This contribution looks at the question of which developments of organisations are necessary when changes of learning cultures arise. Moreover it is shown how an organisational development process to develop new learning cultures can be laid out.

Gieseke, Wiltrud; Robak, Steffi

Programmplanung und Management aus der Bildungforschungsperspektive

Empirische Befunde und konzeptionelle Wendungen
Gieseke, Wiltrud; Robak, Steffi: Programme planning and management from the perspective of educational research
Empirical results and conceptional changes

The text reflects the correlations between new learning cultures and organistional structures with a view on appropriate institutional concepts. As a result of the reflections the authors declare themselves in favour of a change of educational theories by taking the concept of education as a basis for conceptional and organisational development.

Hanft, Anke; Zentner, Tim

Qualifizierung und Personalentwicklung - eine Kompetenzlücke in Bildungseinrichtungen?

Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung zur Qualifizierung der Beschäftigten in Bildungseinrichtungen
Hanft, Anke; Zentner, Tim: Qualification and personnel development – a competence gap in adult education institutions?
Results of an empirical study on qualification of staff in adult education institutions

The contribution analyses how adult education institutions and universities prepare their staff with education and training for changed structural requirements and reforms. In the centre are two studies of German state universities and public adult education institutions in the country Niedersachsen. The results show that these qualifiying measures so far have been insufficient in terms of preparing for these changed general conditions and how especially the aspect of career and promotion of the young is neglected.

Schäffter, Ortfried

Erwachsenenpädagogische Innovationsberatung

Institutionalisierung von Innovation in Einrichtungen beruflicher Weiterbildung
Schäffter, Ortfried: Innovation consultancy in the pedagogy of adult education
Institutionalisation of innovation in the organisations of extended vocational training

Firstly the contribution shows to which extent an organisational theory on the pedagogy of adult education offers explanatory possiblities for an ongoing innovative structural change. Then the implicit aspect of innovation in concepts of pedagogical organisational is being expatiated and conceptually differentiated. The difference is shown between an innovative concept being linked to people/products and a social-cultural/process of understanding of a process as innovative practice. For a consultancy concerning innovative abilities this means to support an opening towards the indefiniteness. An opening to the enlargement of development options and supporting the organisation of search movements that are aim generated.

Küchler, Felicitas von

Erprobung von Innovation und Entwicklung der pädagogischen Professionalität des Beratersystems

Küchler, Felicitas von: Trials of innovation and development of the pedagogical professionality of the consultancy system

The central terms of the framegiving political education programme are presented. Scetched are the the implicit requirements of the innovation consultancy as well as the principles of work that were developed during the concept of the scientific councelling for the support of the innovation consultancy. With the background of the current social scientific professional consultancy discourse the first placement of the concept of consultancy is made. Then the empirical concepts and experiences of “innovation consultancy” are described and a first summarized “interpretation” of the profiles of consultancy is done.

Ehses, Christiane; Zech, Rainer

Gute Organisation - ein Beitrag zum Selbstverständnis der Weiterbildungsprofession

Ehses, Christiane; Zech, Rainer: Good organisation – a contribution to the self-conception of the adult education profession

Quality standards were found on the empirical basis of analysis of consultancy cases as well as group discussions with heads and consultants of adult education organisations. These quality standards can be the precondition for a comparability of organisations and they can also be quality standards for their organisation’s evaluation by internal or external evaluators and customers. The contribution begins with a portrayal of the specifics of the branch of adult education and can be regarded as a contribution for the self-conception of the profession.

Holzapfel, Günther

Mehr Selbstbewusstsein für Pädagogik!

Eine Replik zum Schwerpunktheft "Gehirn und Lernen" des Literatur- und Forschungsreports 3/2003
Holzapfel, Günther: More self-consciousness for pedagogy!
A reply to REPORT 3/2003 titled "Brain and Learning"

Referring to REPORT 3/2003 with its main theme "Brain and Learning" the author criticizes tendences in pedagogy which consider some results of neuro-sciences as confirmation for a naturalistic and biologistic trend. He pleads for emphasizing those aspects of neuro-sciences which are confirmations against obsolete concepts of learning and education as an accumulation of knowledge without self-reflection.

Faulstich, Peter

Bieri, Peter: Das Handwerk der Freiheit. 2003
