Nuissl von Rein, Ekkehard
DIE Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung
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Das Heft Erwachsenenbuilding spannt den Horizont auf zwischen Weiterbildung und den Begriffen Bewegung, Sport und Körper. Anlässe hierfür gibt es mehrere: Ein Europäisches Jahr der Erziehung durch Sport 2004, eine pädagogische Debatte, die über die Rezeption der Neurobiologie den Körper wiederentdeckt, und schließlich eine zunehmend entgrenzte Weiterbildung, die Blicke über den Tellerrand der organisierten Erwachsenenbildung immer wichtiger werden lässt. Die Beiträge handeln u.a. von der Weiterbildung im Sportbereich, von der Bewegungsbildung im Alter, vom Lernen per Wellness und schließlich sehr grundsätzlich vom Lernen mit dem Körper.
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Kemper, Marita; Wacker, Michael

»Wanderer, da ist kein Pfad. Pfade erstehen durch Gehen«

Beitrag über ein Praxismodell des QUEM-Projektschwerpunktes »Lernen in und von Weiterbildungseinrichtungen« zu potenzialorientierter Oragnisationsentwicklung und -beratung.

Nuissl, Ekkehard



Brandt, Peter

Stichwort »Erwachsenenbuilding«

Begriffklärungen rund um das Thema Bewegung und Sport in der Erwachsenenbildung.

Brandt, Peter; Stermann, Lutz

Gespräch König Otto von Griechenland – in der Weiterbildung undenkbar

Der Trainer in Sport und Weiterbildung – eine und dieselbe Profession?

Spangenberg, Manfred

Die Weiterbildungssysteme des Sports

Strukturen und konzeptionelle Grundlagen
In the educational facilities of the State Sports Associations of the Bundesländer, open adult education is implemented which serves the goals of formation of personality and enlightenment, furthers maturity, and cultivates social competences, and which is - albeit decreasingly - publicly funded. More than 3.000 full-time and part-time pedagogical staff are employed in these facilities. Nearly 15.000 courses for about 300.000 participants are held. But this is not the only field within sports where education is being offered. The article shows different further education systems within the realm of sports and introduces conceptual basics.

Voigt, Ulla

»Spielbein – Standbein«

Bewegungsbildung an Volkshochschulen
The wide demand for physical education reflects a growing awareness of the value of physical activity in society as a whole. The concepts of comprehensive physical activity applied by institutions of adult education focus on physical coordination, strength, perseverance, stretching and the activation of persons with reduced physical capabilities. Institutions of adult education cooperate with other actors engaged in health promotion such as health insurance organisations. There is much common ground between the health oriented type of sports and health education in general. This could result in networks of joint activities in favour of the integration of physical action in all learning processes. Physical and mental flexibility ought to be more than a general goal. It should be part of the mainstream of adult teaching.

Krammer, Florian

Wir lernen mit dem Körper

Chancen und Grenzen einer pädagogisch orientierten Neurophysiologie des Lernens
In this article, fundamental considerations are presented which describe learning not only on a cognitive level but which also outline the neurophysiological conditions of learning (the nervous system as a neural net, processes of neural coupling, neuronal preconditions of the brain, body perception and movement as praxis). Besides, the question is broached whether in pedagogy a focussing on the “neurophysiology of learning” is possible or useful for general pedagogy and andragogy.

Scheftschik, Axel

Körperkult und Wellness

Herausforderung zeitgemäßer Gesundheitsbildung
Hedonism and body cult have to be considered as social phenomena. They are an expression of the individualisaton of health behaviour and of the search for wellness. Wellness is connected with sensuality and enjoyment in many people’s minds. Health consciousness is influenced by individual experience. Health learning can incorporate wellness and the experiential dimension in a productive way.

Kolb, Michael

Jungbrunnen Sport?

Emanzipative Bewegungsbildung im Alter
Findings of the empirically and medically oriented sports sciences point to the fact that ageing processes can be retarded and their consequences alleviated by adequately dosed exercise. The compensation-oriented intervention plan derived from this fact is, however, based on normative ideas of an unproblematic functioning of the body which is seen as the essential prerequisite of a high quality of living in old age. The objective of an education for the elderly that focusses on an emancipative ageing process is, however, rather to support the elderly in necessary processes of raising of self-awareness and personal development.

Leinert, Johannes

Nachhilfe zur Vorsorge

Schlechte finanzielle Allgemeinbildung
As empirical studies have shown, the Germans’ knowledge of financial affairs is rather poor. Basic knowledge on banking and insurance is often absent, even though it is essential in times when provision for a safe future increasingly becomes everyone’s personal responsibility. Even if relevant content were taught at schools comprehensively and from this moment on, today’s adults would still remain ignorant. Therefore, a tremendous task lies ahead for adult education to provide relevant knowledge to millions of people.

Berzbach, Frank

Generation Power Point

Unzeitgemäßes zur visuellen Power-Point-Kultur
A gloss on the tiresome prevalence of present-day software-supported lectures, talks and presentations. Colourful slides conceal rather than reveal content and tend to efface the lecturer’s personality. Only the absence of popcorn distinguishes a presentation like this from a perfect night at the cinema.