Mülheims, Kirsten
Bildung für die Wirtschaftskultur. Eine Analyse der bildungspolitischen Ansätze von Europarat und EU im Spannungsfeld von Kultur und Wirtschaftsorientierung
REPORT Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung 2010(1): Vertikale und horizontale Durchlässigkeit im System Lebenslangen Lernens
55 - 64
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Education in the Economic Culture. An Analysis of Approaches in Educational Policy of the Council of Europe and the EU Considering the Discussion of Culture and Economic Orientation

The European Union and the Council of Europe play an important role for educational policy in Europe. Education is meant to promote European identity as well as the European Economic Area. This text explores the priorities of the Council of Europe’s and the European Union’s educational concepts in the timeframe of 1994-2003 regarding their ideas of society and of dealing with diversity in Europe and within European societies. It will be discussed how the educational concepts locate themselves within the two dimensions of culture- and economy-oriented education. The Council of Europe, which has been established as an intergovernmental organisation for the promotion of peace, shows a more culture-oriented educational concept whereas the concept of the EU, which was built as a supranational organisation for economic cooperation, is more oriented towards the economy. Some coherence can be found within the social policy aspect of education. Considering the decreasing impact of the Council of Europe one should keep thinking about the future of a culture-oriented perspective on education.
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