Hussain, Sabina
Adult Literacy in Norway/Literalität und Numeracy in Norwegen: An Overview on the Strategies and Policies/Ein Überblick über bildungspolitische Strategiepapiere und Maßnahmen
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In today’s societies literacy is regarded as the prerequisite for participating in the professional and private spheres of everyday life. It is regarded as a human right, a tool for personal empowerment and a tool to influence the behaviour of individuals, families and communities. Despite the international consensus that literacy skills determine opportunities and provide access to today’s information-based societies, many adults in both industrialized and developing countries find themselves on the margins of society due to their insufficient educational background.

The report from Norway is part of a research project entitled, Literacy/Basic Education – State of the Art from a historical and systematic perspective in terms of transferability, financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and research (BMBF) in Germany and conducted by the German Institute for Adult Education – Leibniz Centre for Lifelong Learning (DIE). The report provides an overview of governmental strategy papers and policies. They were published and implemented with the objective of supporting programmes and projects in the area of adult literacy and to counteract low levels of literacy and numeracy in the Norwegian adult population. The report also provides a list of the main organizations, agencies, and institutions that are involved in adult literacy education, and it presents a few practical examples from the fi eld. The report should be read as a research paper that summarises the main objectives and main approaches involved in addressing and dealing with questions of adult literacy and numeracy in Norway.
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