Nuissl von Rein, Ekkehard
Stiefkind Fachdidaktik
DIE Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung
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Fachdidaktik ist die fachbezogene Schwester der allgemeinen Didaktik. Als Lehre von der Vermittlung einer bestimmten Sache legitimiert sie sich über deren Eigenwert. Mathematik lehrt man anders als Religion. Aber wie wichtig ist die »Sache« in der heutigen Erwachsenenbildung? Wer benötigt Fachdidaktik, wenn es nicht mehr um die Sache, sondern um Kompetenzen geht? Ist es dann überhaupt ein Problem, dass das Erwachsenenpädagogische Personal immer querschnittskompetenter wird? Ja, denn es droht die Gefahr des methodischen Einerlei von Moodle bis Blended Learning. Das Zauberwort heißt Gegenstandsspezifik.
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Brandt, Peter

Stiefkind Fachdidaktik


Schön, Lutz-Helmut; Vollmer, Thomas

Der Fachdidaktiker muss fachübergreifend denken

Gespräch mit Lutz-Helmut Schön

Haberzeth, Erik

Inhaltsorientierung in der Lehre

Das Gelingen guter Lehre entscheidet sich im gemeinsamen Bemühen um das Verstehen der Inhalte
Erik Haberzeth issues a plea to make teaching the central focus of didactic activity once again. The problem with achieving successful good teaching, in his view, is not necessarily related to teachers devoting too little attention to existing specialised didactical knowledge. It is more important, rather, to make sure that didactics do not become self-absorbed and thereby impede the way to content rather than paving it. This does not mean that specialised didactics can generally speaking be dispensed with, but teachers need to become aware of their didactical actions in a reflective manner and orient themselves towards the task of attaining a common understanding of content in the teaching/learning process.

Röben, Peter

Die Katastrophe als Herausforderung

Fukushima als Thema der Naturwissenschafts- und Technikdidaktik
In this article, the reactor disaster in Fukushima (March 2011) together with the changes in energy policy following in its wake are used to enquire about reactions in the fields of natural science and technical didactics. The empirical finding is that didactical discourse has been little affected by Fukushima. The reason for this, in the view of the author, is to be found in the theoretical problems associated with specialised didactics, in this case didactics involving technology, as well as in an overly narrow understanding of the task facing classroom instruction.

Schreiber, Waltraud

Geschichtsdidaktik mitten im Leben

Deutsche Erinnerungskultur am Beispiel der "Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer"
The focus of this article is on a historical-didactical theory which aims at establishing skills in historical thinking, broken down into skills in historical knowledge, questions, methodology and orientation. The approach, its potential and challenges facing it are explored using the example of the Berlin Wall Monument, a particularly useful example with Germany commemorating the 50th anniversary of the construction of the wall in 2011.

Laging, Ralf

Leitprinzipien einer pädagogischen Bewegungslehre

Sport aus fachdidaktischer Sicht
This article addresses teaching and learning of movements, in particular by exploring the following points: »orientation towards sense and meaning«, »making differences possible«, »orientation towards effect«, »forming notions of movement«, »making experiences possible«, »situational setting« and »learning through movement tasks«. In sum, overarching principles are deduced for a didactically oriented movement theory which is equally instructive for scholars as well as persons working in the field of practice in adult education.

Raasch, Albert

Sprachvermittlung in der Verantwortung der Volkshochschulen

Eine Herausforderung an die fachdidaktische Qualität des Sprachunterrichts
Didactical quality is a crucial precondition if all citizens of the European Union are to be able to develop multilingual skills. Here it is in particular adult education centres which have the task of training their teachers and offering them continuing education so as to make possible optimum didactical classroom instruction. This article shows that applied linguistics and research on teaching languages can provide an important impetus here. The author moreover issues a plea for specialised didactics oriented towards lifelong learning. »Learning teaching« is accordingly identified as a key objective of instruction in foreign languages.

Mönkeberg, Frauke

Moodle-Einsatz im Fremdsprachenunterricht

Praxisumschau - Fachdidaktische Überlegungen im Umgang mit Moodle