
Wälchli, Jean-François [Mitarb.]; Voegeli-Mantovani, Urs; Bachmann, Marco [Mitarb.]; Hofmaier, Martin [Mitarb.]
Berufseinführung von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern der Volksschule ? Organisation, Umsetzung und Analyse ihrer Wirksamkeit [Elektronische Ressource]

, SKBF , 2012 , 18 Seiten
Schweiz , Lehrerausbildung , Berufseinführung , Empfehlung , Kompetenz , Organisation , Effizienz , Föderalismus , Evaluation Die Schweiz als mehrsprachiges und multikulturelles Land ist stark föderalistisch organisiert. Jeder der 26 Kantone kann in hohem Masse über die Ziele, die Organisation, die Inhalte und das Personal der obligatorischen Schule selbst bestimmen. Dies zeigt sich auch bei der Grundausbildung und der nachfolgenden Berufseinführung von Lehrpersonen. Die Vielfalt der Angebote und Organisationsformen kann in drei Modellen zur Berufseinführung abgebildet werden. Diese drei Modelle bestehen nebeneinander, und allen gemeinsam ist das Anliegen, die Berufseinführung mit ihren Anforderungen und Entwicklungsaufgaben in wirkungsvoller Art zu unterstützen. Zur Reduktion der Vielfalt der Angebote wurden 2007 auf schweizerischer Ebene Empfehlungen verabschiedet und deren Umsetzung in den Kantonen angeregt. 2010 war ein guter Teil der Empfehlungen umgesetzt, doch wurden auch Lücken festgestellt. So ist beispielsweise die interne und externe Evaluation der Wirksamkeit der Berufseinführung erst als interne Evaluation von Einzelangeboten fast überall etabliert, nicht aber eine systematische externe Evaluation der Angebote und deren Wirkung. Abschliessend werden drei Fragen zur Forschung betreffend Berufseinführung beantwortet: Wie verläuft die Entwicklung beruflicher Kompetenzen beim Berufseinstieg? Welche Wirkung haben die Weiterbildungs- und Unterstützungsangebote? Was sagt die Statistik zum Berufsein- und -ausstieg nach kurzer Dauer? Zur Beantwortung der drei Fragen werden Schweizer Studien beigezogen, soweit solche vorliegen. (DIPF/Orig.)


Lunardon, Katharina [Hrsg.]; Chisholm, Lynne [Hrsg.]; Ostendorf, Annette [Hrsg.]; Pasqualoni, Pier Paolo [Hrsg.]
Decoding the meanings of learning at work in Asia and Europe

, innsbruck university press , 2012 , 228 Seiten
Internationaler Vergleich , Europa , Asien , Lernen am Arbeitsplatz , Lernumwelt , Betriebliche Weiterbildung , Lebenslanges Lernen , Bildungsforschung , Aufsatzsammlung


Schuetze, Hans Georg [Hrsg.]; Slowey, Maria [Hrsg.]
Global perspectives on higher education and lifelong learners

London [u.a.]
, Routledge , 2012
Internationale Erwachsenenbildung , Lebenslanges Lernen , Hochschulbildung , Reform , Österreich , Deutschland , Irland , Portugal , Schweden , Großbritannien , Kanada , Mexiko , Vereinigte Staaten , Australien , Japan , Neuseeland , Südafrika , Brasilien The global expansion of participation rates in higher education continue more or less unabated. However, while the concept of lifelong learning has figured prominently in national and international educational policy discourse for more than three decades, its implications for the field of higher education has remained relatively underdeveloped. This book focuses on a particular dimension of the lifelong learning: higher education for those who have not progressed directly from school to higher education. Some will embark on undergraduate programmes as mature students, part-time and/or distance students; others wish to return to higher education after having completed (or not completed) a previous academic programme, while increasing numbers participate in postgraduate and continuing studies for a complex mix of professional and personal reasons. Adopting a comparative and international longitudinal perspective which goes beyond a snapshot view by building on the cases of a core group of ten OECD countries, this timely book investigates the ways in which important new developments impacting on higher education crystallise around the lifelong learning agenda: new technology and open source resources; the changing role of the state and market in higher education; the blurring of public and private boundaries; issues of equity and access in a time of global economic turmoil; the increased emphasis on research and international league tables; the changing nature of the education; and, the complex interaction of international, national and regional expectations which governments and other stakeholders have of universities and other public and private institutions of higher education. While focussing on the situation in Canada, USA, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and a wide variety of European countries, the book also assesses the issues from the perspective of developing countries. (Verlag)


Jarvis, Peter [Hrsg.]
Inquiry into the future of lifelong learning in the UK

an international analysis

London [u.a.]
, Routledge , 2012
Großbritannien , Erwachsenenbildung , Lebenslanges Lernen , Zukunft , Aufsatzsammlung This volume offers a comprehensive international response to the National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (NIACE)'s inquiry into the future of lifelong learning in the UK. The book focuses upon some of the main themes of the inquiry, and analyses them from very broad perspectives undertaken by some of the world's leading scholars. It provides an excellent introduction to significant debates about lifelong learning such as ecology, migration, morality, happiness and poverty. Each chapter raises issues of policy and practice, with clear areas of discussion, thus assisting readers in truly engaging with the issues. The final chapter contains a response by Tom Schuller, one of the NIACE's inquiry authors. This book is essential reading for students of lifelong learning, especially educational policy makers. This book was originally published as a special issue of the International Journal of Lifelong Education. (Verlag)


Birzina, Rita; Lee, Taerim [Hrsg.]
Latvia, Philippines, UK
, 2012
Erwachsenenbildung , Internationaler Vergleich , Lebenslanges Lernen , E-Learning , Neue Medien , Philippinen , Großbritannien , Lettland , Bildungssystem


Eraut, Michael [Hrsg.]; McKee, Anne [Hrsg.]
Learning trajectories, innovation and identity for professional development

Dordrecht [u.a.]
, Springer , 2012
Internationaler Vergleich , Berufsbildung , Berufsbild , Globalisierung , Aufsatzsammlung Education in the professions has always had unique demands placed upon it. These include the need to: keep pace with rapidly evolving knowledge bases, developing skills and attitudes appropriate to practice, learning in the workplace and fostering public confidence. Over the past twenty years, new demands have created additional educational imperatives. Public accountability has become more intensive and extensive. Practitioners practice in climates more subject to scrutiny and less forgiving of error. The contexts in which professionals practice and learn have changed and will continue to change, globally. This book explores the pedagogic implications of these challenges internationally for a wide range of professions which include: accountants, military company commanders, surgeons, nurse practitioners, academics, managers, community physicians and dentists; examining learning across the professional lifespan. The established view of professional development being predominantly about what an individual needs to know and do, is widened to include the systemic and contextual factors which effect learning. Authors, through their research, examine the unique particularities and requirements of diverse professional groups. The editors, in their introduction and conclusion identify learning that can be shared across professions, innovations in scholarship and pedagogic research which support new directions in learning and teaching across professions. (Verlag)


Barton, David; Hamilton, Mary
Local literacies

reading and writing in one community

London [u.a.]
, Routledge , 2012
Großbritannien , Internationaler Vergleich , Kommunikation , Alphabetisierung , Schriftlichkeit , Fallstudie


Peterlini, Hans Karl [Hrsg.]; Peer, Martin [Hrsg.]; Abram, Brigitte
Qualität des Lernens

das System der Weiterbildung in Südtirol von den Pionierzeiten zu EFQM

, Alpha Beta , 2012 , 204 Seiten
Italien , Europäischer Qualifikationsrahmen , Weiterbildung , Lebenslanges Lernen , Bildungsförderung , Qualitätssicherung , Professionalität , Weiterbildungssystem


Evershed, Jane [Hrsg.]; Armitage, Andy [Hrsg.]; Hayes, Dennis [Hrsg.]; Kent, Janis [Hrsg.]; Hudson, Alan [Hrsg.]
Teaching and training in lifelong learning

Maidenhead [u.a.]
, Open Univ. Press , 2012
Großbritannien , Lebenslanges Lernen , Lehre , Berufsbildung , Erwachsenenbildner , Professionalisierung , Student , Lernumwelt , Neue Medien , Curriculum , Kurs , Gestaltung , Geschichte Like good teacher education itself, this book is a carefully crafted mix of theory and practice. It is vital for all those entering this complex sector to understand its history, some of the key philosophies and concepts that have driven research, policy and practice in this area and to be introduced to the ideas of a range of current and past thinkers. At the same time, trainee teachers need to feel they are being given the tools to approach the classroom with confidence. This book provides both. One of its major strengths is the regular opportunities it offers the reader to pause and reflect -- surely one of the most important activities for teachers at whatever stage of their career. 'Teaching and Training in Lifelong Learning' has been brought fully up to date and will provide an invaluable resource for those wanting to work in the lifelong learning sector." Professor Ann Hodgson, Co-Director, Centre for Post-14 Research and Innovation, Institute of Education, University of London "In the fourth edition of this respected text Armitage et al have once again provided the sector with a resource which combines academic analysis, theoretical critique and sound practical advice on matters to do with education and teaching. Completely up to date with the rapidly changing components of education, the book contains chapters advising on the use of new technologies and on the design of learning resources. Elements of sound practical advice are successfully combined with an extensive critique of the new market economies impacting on the structural organisation of the education system today. The resultant book is both useful and thought provoking." Dr Liz Keeley-Browne, Oxford Brookes University The fourth edition of this bestselling book examines the breadth of lifelong learning from Adult and Further Education through to training in private and public industry and commerce. Revised and updated throughout to include recent initiatives and developments in the field, it is the definitive textbook on learning, teaching, resources, course planning and assessment in all areas of post-compulsory education and training. The authors examine key areas in lifelong learning through topical discussion, practical exercises, theory, reading, analysis, information, and examples of student work. Popular features of the previous edition such as the chronology of post-compulsory education have been retained and fully updated. New features include: Coverage of the new framework for teacher training, including the new Lifelong Learning UK professional standards, CPD provision, mentoring and subject coaching A re-evaluation of 14-19 developments including the creation of an English Baccalaureate (EBac) Developments in information and learning technology, particularly electronic teaching and learning resources Added coverage of personalization An expanded section on planning for equality and diversity Further information on embedding of language and literacy This text is essential reading for teachers and students training to teach in post-compulsory education. (Verlag)


Trampusch, Christine [Hrsg.]; Busemeyer, Marius R. [Hrsg.]
The political economy of collective skill formation

, Oxford Univ. Press , 2012
Europa , Internationaler Vergleich , Berufliche Qualifikation , Berufsbildung , Berufsbildungssystem , Berufsbildungspolitik , Aufsatzsammlung Education, skill formation, and training continue to be important areas of consideration for both public policy and research. This book examines the particular types of vocational training known as collective skill formation systems, whereby the training (often firm-based apprenticeships) is collectively organized by businesses and unions with state support and cooperation in execution, finance, and monitoring. With contributions from leading academics, this book is the first to provide a comprehensive analysis of the varying historical origins of, and recent developments in, vocational training systems, offering in-depth studies on coordinated market economies, namely Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Denmark. It also contains comparative chapters that analyse how these countries react to common challenges such as deindustrialization, labour market stratification, academic drift, gender inequalities, and Europeanization. Whereas previous research has focused on the differences between various kinds of skill regimes, this book focuses on explaining institutional variety within the group of collective skill formation systems. The development of skill formation systems is regarded as a dynamic political process, dependent on the outcome of various political struggles regarding such matters as institutional design and transformations during critical junctures in historical development. (Verlag)


Weiterbildung in Russland: Spuren der Geschichte - Zeichen des Aufbruchs

Köln [u.a.]
, Böhlau , 2012
Internationale Erwachsenenbildung , Russland , Lebenslanges Lernen , Weiterbildung , Bildungswesen , Bildungssystem Die tiefgreifenden Veränderungen, die Russland während der letzten Jahrzehnte in Gesellschaft und Politik geprägt haben, sind in ihren Auswirkungen auf die Bildung und das kulturelle Streben der Erwachsenenbevölkerung international weitgehend unbekannt. Wie verarbeiten die Menschen die gravierenden Folgen des Systemwandels, welche Entwicklungs- und Lernbedürfnisse lassen sich hierbei feststellen? Die hier versammelten Beiträge namhafter russischer Bildungswissenschaftler und Pädagogen widmen sich diesen Fragen und geben Einblicke in neuere empirische Studien zum Wertewandel und den Bildungseinstellungen russischer Erwachsener. Neben dem nicht-formalen und informellen Lernen werden zentrale Aspekte der Diskussion um das Lebenslange Lernen thematisiert, auf ihre internationalen Bezüge hin gesichtet und mit Forderungen an die bildungspolitische Agenda verknüpft. (Verlag)