
Ioannidou, Alexandra; Knauber, Carolin
Adult literacy and basic education policies in a comparative perspective [Elektronische Ressource]

selected findings from four country cases
, 2019 , 15 Seiten
England, Österreich, Türkei, Dänemark, Erwachsenenbildung, Alphabetisierung, Erwachsener, Grundbildung, Bildungspolitik, Bildungsangebot, Bildungssystem, Bildungsstandard, Vergleichende Forschung, Internationaler Vergleich Policies on adult literacy and basic education are gaining importance, especially since the results of the OECD Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) revealed that a sizeable proportion of adults have low literacy levels and reported significant differences in compe-tence-levels between countries. This article investigates the interplay between the polity, politics, and policies of adult literacy and basic education, drawing on qualitative data from an international-com-parative project which examined basic education policies across countries, with an emphasis on litera-cy. The article presents findings from four countries (Austria, Denmark, England, and Turkey) focusing on governance structures and applying an actor-oriented theoretical framework. The analysis provides a systematic cross-country comparison on basic education policies and recognises the importance of governance structures in designing and implementing policies.


Osmond, Paula
Developing social equity in australian adult education

lessons from the past

London [u.a.]
, Routledge , 2021
Australien, Erwachsenenbildung, Alphabetisierung, Grundbildung, Schreib- und Lesefähigkeit, Schriftlichkeit, Erwachsener Developing Social Equity in Australian Adult Education: Lessons from the Past presents a case study of the trajectory of an Australian adult basic education program in New South Wales from its humanist, social justice beginnings, through forty years of destabilising change. It identifies the influences and influencers that have directed this change; those that were responsible for the creation of the field in its foundation years, and that were displaced by other, more powerful actors representing the global influence of the neoliberal ideology. The story is told largely through archival evidence and the voices of those practitioners who helped shape the discourse and practice of the foundation years, and who were required to respond to constantly changing policies and socio-economic contexts. It discusses some lessons that might be learnt from the past in order that a new set of actors might be mobilised to promote an alternate discourse. This book will appeal to students and scholars of social justice and adult education, and practitioners involved in adult education. (Verlag)


Walther, Andreas [Hrsg.]; Parreira do Amaral, Marcelo [Hrsg.]; Cuconato, Morena [Hrsg.]; Dale, Roger [Hrsg.]
Governance of educational trajectories in Europe

pathways, policy and practice

London [u.a.]
, Bloomsbury Academic , 2017
Europäische Union, Bildung, Schulbildung, Bildungssoziologie, Jugend, Mitgliedsstaaten, Internationaler Vergleich, Aufsatzsammlung Drawing on findings from a large EU-funded research project that took place over three years, this book analyses educational trajectories of young people in eight European countries: Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia and the United Kingdom. Contributors explore interactions between structural and institutional contexts of educational trajectories, the individual meaning attached to education and the strategies adopted by young people to cope with its demands. The book also analyses the decision-making processes of individual students, placing them firmly within the social contexts of their families, local schools, national education systems and welfare states, as well as transnational policy contexts. In considering educational disadvantage, the book is based on primary, cross-national research with systematic analysis of the different themes addressed. As every chaptersis co-authored by two or three researchers, each based in a different country, the book goes beyond the usual country-based chapter design to provide an enriched insight into both comparative theory and research methods. (Verlag)


Köpfer, Andreas [Hrsg.]; Powell, Justin J.W. [Hrsg.]; Zahnd, Raphael [Hrsg.]
Handbuch Inklusion international [Elektronische Ressource]

globale, nationale und lokale Perspektiven auf inklusive Bildung

Opladen [u.a.]
, Budrich , 2021 , 579 Seiten
Internationaler Vergleich, Ausgrenzung, Inklusion , Biographieforschung, Bildungspolitik, Schule, Schulpolitik, Schulentwicklung, Hochschule, Studium, Lebenslanges Lernen, Professionalisierung, Unterricht, Deutschland, Schweiz, Spanien, Kanada, Finnland, Österreich, Luxemburg, Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft Globales Paradigma, nationale Normen und lokale Praxen. Das Handbuch Inklusion international verbindet theoretische Entwicklungslinien und vielfältige vergleichende Perspektiven der Inklusiven Bildung in ihrer globalen Verbreitung. Die Beiträge bieten einen umfassenden Zugang zu internationalen Diskursen, vergleichenden Forschungsergebnissen und ‚inspiring practices‘ aus diversen Weltregionen – Europa, Afrika, Asien und Nordamerika. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wird dabei der Relevanz komparativer Studien gewidmet. (Verl.)


Yasukawa, Keiko [Hrsg.]; Rogers, Alan [Hrsg.]; Jackson, Kara [Hrsg.]; Street, Brian V. [Hrsg.]
Numeracy as social practice

global and local perspectives

London [u.a.]
, Routledge , 2018
Alphabetisierung, Alphabet, Grundbildung, Rechenfähigkeit, Praxisbezug, Erwachsener, Kompetenz, Lernen, Soziale Ungleichheit, Soziale Herkunft, Neuseeland, Philippinen, Südafrika, Indien, Internationaler Vergleich, Aufsatzsammlung Learning takes place both inside and outside of the classroom, embedded in local practices, traditions and interactions. But whereas the importance of social practice is increasingly recognised in literacy education, Numeracy as Social Practice: Global and Local Perspectives is the first book to fully explore these principles in the context of numeracy. The book brings together a wide range of accounts and studies from around the world to build a picture of the challenges and benefits of seeing numeracy as social practice ? that is, as mathematical activities embedded in the social, cultural, historical and political contexts in which these activities take place. Drawing on workplace, community and classroom contexts, Numeracy as Social Practice shows how everyday numeracy practices can be used in formal and non-formal maths teaching and how, in turn, classroom teaching can help to validate and strengthen local numeracy practices. At a time when an increasingly transnational approach is taken to education policy making, this book will appeal to development practitioners and researchers, and adult education, mathematics and numeracy teachers, researchers and policy makers around the world. (Verlag)


Caffarella, Rosemary; Ratcliff Daffron, Sandra
Planning programs for adult learners [Elektronische Ressource]

a practical guide

New York, NY
, John Wiley & Sons , 2013 , 464 Seiten
Vereinigte Staaten, Erwachsenenbildung, Bildungsangebot, Bildungsplanung, Bildungsziel, Bildungsverwaltung, Bildungspolitik, Unterrichtsplanung, Weiterbildner Planning Programs for Adult Learners, Third Edition covers the development of adult education programs in clear, specific detail. This popular step-by-step guide contains information on every area of program planning for adult learners, from understanding the purpose of educational programs to obtaining suitable facilities to incorporating technology appropriately. For educators and practitioners for whom planning programs is a full-time responsibility or only a part of their jobs, as well as volunteers in a variety of organizations, will find this book to be an essential tool. Grounded in a variety of program planning models, the new edition includes: new refinements to the interactive model, updated exercises and examples from new settings, new material on the practical application of technology, discussion of instructional and program evaluation, a focus on critical managerial tasks, a new chapter on exploring the foundational knowledge of program planning, a new chapter on the ethical issues related to program planning. (Verlag)


Gartenschlaeger, Uwe [Hrsg.]
Rethinking adult learning and education - Asian perspectives

, DVV International , 2019 , 255 Seiten
Asien, Erwachsenenbildung, Weiterbildung, Erwachsener, Lernen, Berufliche Qualifikation, Lebenslanges Lernen, Zukunft, Recht auf Bildung, Technologischer Wandel, Sozialer Wandel, Aufsatzsammlung


Gapski, Harald [Hrsg.]; Packard, Stephan [Hrsg.]

Datengetriebene Sozialtechnologien als neue Bildungsherausforderung

Düsseldorf [u.a.]
, kopaed , 2021 , 263 Seiten
China, Westliche Welt, Algorithmus, Gesellschaft, Belohnung, Datenauswertung, Bildungssystem, Bildungspolitik, Verwaltung, Konformität, Soziale Kontrolle, Überwachungstechnik, Internationaler Vergleich, Aufsatzsammlung Als „Scoring“ werden Praktiken bezeichnet, bei denen das Verhalten von Individuen bewertet und beeinflusst wird, indem Daten digital erfasst und algorithmisch ausgewertet werden. So genannte „Super-Scoring“-Praktiken gehen noch weiter und führen Punktesysteme und Skalen aus unterschiedlichen Lebensbereichen zusammen, wie etwa Bonität, Gesundheitsverhalten oder Lernleistungen. Diese Verfahren könnten sich zu einem neuen und übergreifenden Governance-Prinzip in der digitalen Gesellschaft entwickeln. Ein besonders prominentes Beispiel ist das Social Credit System in China. Aber auch in westlichen Gesellschaften gewinnen Scoring-Praktiken und digitale Soziometrien an Bedeutung. Dieser Open Access Band stellt aktuelle Beispiele von datengetriebenen sozialen Steuerungsprozessen aus verschiedenen Ländern vor, diskutiert ihre normativen Grundlagen und gesellschaftspolitischen Auswirkungen und gibt erste bildungspolitische Empfehlungen. Wie ist der aktuelle Stand einschlägiger Praktiken in China und in westlichen Gesellschaften? Wie sind die individuellen und sozialen Folgen zu bewerten? Wie wandelt sich das Bild vom Menschen und wie sollte bereits heute die politische und aufklärerische Bildung darauf reagieren? (Verlag)


Adeyemo, Kolawole Samuel [Hrsg.]
The education systems of Africa

with 76 figures and 44 tables

, Springer , 2021
Afrika, Bildungssystem, Bildungspolitik, Bildungsplanung, Bildungsprozess, Schulbildung, Hochschulbildung, Erwachsenenbildung, Berufsbildung, Bildungsziel, Lebenslanges Lernen, Postkolonialismus, Soziale Gerechtigkeit, Internationaler Vergleich, Aufsatzsammlung This research handbook provides meaningful coverage on current trends in the dynamic education systems of Africa. It presents the main findings on current issues in the education systems from different African countries. Specifically, it examines education policies and what can be done differently by African nations to strengthen these policies. The objective is to highlight African nations’ capacity to address issues of social justice to generate ideas that can help translate the increasing strengths of the continent into achieving sustainable development. (Verlag)


Anghel, Brindusa; Cuadrado, Pilar; Tagliati, Frederico
Why Cognitive Test Scores of Spanish Adults are so Low? The Role of Schooling and Socioeconomic Background [Elektronische Ressource]

, Banco de Espana , 2020 , 39 Seiten
Spanien, PIAAC-Studie, Humankapital, Kognition, Kognitive Entwicklung, Kognitive Kompetenz, Erwachsener, Sozialstatus, Soziale Herkunft, Erwachsenenbildung, Europäische Union, Internationaler Vergleich We explore the cognitive skill gap between the adult population in Spain and in the rest of European Union countries using the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies. We find that differences in schooling account for about a third of the average difference in cognitive test scores, whereas differences in socio-economic background explain about one fourth of the average score gap. While cognitive skill gaps are increasing along the distribution of test scores, differences in educational stocks and socio-economic factors explain a larger fraction of the gap at the bottom than at the top of the skill distribution.


Schweighöfer, Britta; DVV International
Youth and adult education in the Agenda 2030 and the sustainable development goals

role, contribution and further potential

, DVV International , 2019 , 66 Seiten
Internationale Erwachsenenbildung, Erwachsenenbildung, Weiterbildung, Zukunft, Internationaler Vergleich, Nachhaltige Entwicklung, Globales Lernen, Globalisierung