Schrader, Josef
Benefits of Lifelong Learning
DIE Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung
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Bildung ist wertvoll! Wer wollte dies ernsthaft bestreiten? Dennoch – und vielleicht gerade weil man die Benefits von Bildung für Individuum und Gesellschaft einfach als selbstverständlich gegeben ansieht, kann sich die Forschung in Deutschland bislang auf wenig empirische Evidenz berufen: Welche monetären und nicht-monetären Erträge kann die Weiterbildung eigentlich nachweislich erzielen? Worin bzw. woraus bestehen die sog. »wider benefits of lifelong learning«? Last but not least: Sind die Effekte von Bildung ausschließlich positiv? Die aktuelle Ausgabe der DIE Zeitschrift geht diesen und anderen Fragen nach, indem sie internationale Leitstudien zum Thema vorstellt. Damit sollen weitere Forschungsimpulse gesetzt und für die Lehr-/Lernpraxis wissenschaftlich fundierte Legitimationsstrategien bereit gestellt werden.

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Schuller, Tom; Vollmer, Thomas

The Positive Effects of Lifelong Learning are Evident

Interview with Tom Schuller about the »Benefits of Lifelong Learning«

Schuller, Tom; Vollmer, Thomas

»Die positiven Effekte lebenslangen Lernens sind evident«

Im Gespräch mit Tom Schuller über den Stand der »Benefits«-Forschung

Manninen, Jyri

»Wider Benefits« freier Erwachsenenbildung

Ergebnisse aus Finnland
Jyri Manninen presents empirical data on the »wider benefits of lifelong learning« collected in Finish adult education institutions (adult education centres, folk high schools, university summer schools, study and sport centres) in 2007. To present the results, a model concept on the wider benefits of learning was developed, which includes a quintuple classification of the term »benefits«: 1. »relevant benefits for the learning process «, 2. »direct benefits«, 3. »skills and competences«, 4. »additional benefits« and 5. »other benefits«.

Bosche, Brigitte; Brady, Berni

Benefits des Community Learning

Ergebnisse aus Irland
The article describes how community learning, a special form of adult education in Ireland, generates benefits for both the individual and the society. The authors’ elaborations are empirically based on the reports »At the Forefront«, »Community Education: More than just a Course« and »Sowing the Seeds of Social Change«, conducted by the Irish National Adult Learning Organization (AONTAS).

Timmermann, Dieter

Ist Weiterbildung mehr Wert?

Vortrag aus Anlass des 4. Deutschen Weiterbildungstages
The report includes a slightly revised version of a lecture held during the opening ceremony of the German Continuing Education Day in Berlin in 2012. The author focuses on the day’s central idea: surplus value of continuing education and pleads for the use of the benefit concept, which includes the individual’s perspective, as well as the concept of profit with regard to the social and organizational perspective.

Vorhaus, John

Die Vielfalt positiver Bildungseffekte bei Kindern und Erwachsenen

Ergebnisse aus England
The Author presents a shortened version of the report »The Social and Personal Benefits of Learning: A Summary of Key Research Findings« by the »Centre for Research on the Wider Benefits of Learning (WBL)«. The wider benefits of early childhood education as well as school, university and adult education are examined. The wide range of positive educational benefits contains crime prevention as well as a reduced nicotine consumption or increased tolerance.

Miyamoto, Koji; Sabates, Ricardo

Mehr Gesundheit und sozialer Zusammenhalt durch Bildung

Politikempfehlungen und zukünftige Prioritäten der OECD
Based on data collected in the OECD project »Social Outcomes of Learning (SOL)«, empirical research findings and resulting policy recommendations were generated in the report »Improving Health and Social Cohesion through Education«, which are presented in this shortened and translated version. Due to the overall sparse empirical evidence of benefit research, future research forms and necessary methodological approaches are outlined.

Bayer, Simone

Lotsen für die Weiterbildung

Drei Säulen von Bildungsberatung in und um Aachen
Within the federal programme »On-Site Learning«, the General Bureau of Education in Aachen is responsible for the municipal coordination of educational counselling in ten communities. The presented three-pillar model includes the qualification of educational counsellors, training for educational guides for and the compass training guidance as an associated information medium. The concept aims at improving the transparency of publicly accessible educational counselling as well as approaching educationally deprived target groups. Here, guides play a key role.

Mania, Ewelina

Am Sozialraum orientiert

Volkshochschulpraxis im Kontext von Inklusion
The DIE (German Centre for Adult Education) programme “Learning in Social Spaces”, the social quarter approach is a key element of the inclusion matter. Focused on the social environment, continuing education can include the local community and the resulting participation and networking potentials. The article discusses extracts of interviews conducted with representatives of adult education centres in Berlin and Hamburg, revealing the extent of social space orientation work in the context of inclusion.