Dobmann, Bernd; Wetzel, Kathrin
Erwartungen an Qualität in der Weiterbildung aus Hochschul- und Unternehmensperspektive: Eine vergleichende Untersuchung
REPORT Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung 2013(3): Netzwerkforschung
25 - 34
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This paper shows which quality standards are relevant for higher education and business perspective in the development and establishment of successful occupational studying programs. The aim is to record the expectations of universities and companies of quality in the context of continuing higher education. The level of the students is deliberately not placed in the center to allow the institutional view on cooperation. The methods used in connection with these studies are guideline-based interviews with selected universities and companies. In the following, first research results are brought forward and discussed on the base of existing quality criteria for continuing higher education. The identified expectations of universities and companies were compared with each other and first quality standards are being developed and now can be used as quality standards in occupational study programs.
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