Employer-provided vocational training in Europe: Evaluation and interpretation of the third continuing vocational training survey
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The European survey of continuing vocational training in enterprises, CVTS, is a unique source of internationally comparable data. This report provides the first detailed comparative analyses of data from the third European survey of continuing vocational training in enterprises. It also includes a comprehensive evaluation of data quality from the European perspective to improve the survey.
This publication is the result of a collective effort, with contributions from Cedefop colleagues Katja Nestler, responsible for the overall coordination of the study and supervision of the publication, and Alex Stimpson. The Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB, Germany), Friederike Behringer and Bernd Käpplinger, together with the Centre d’études et de recherches sur les qualifications (Céreq, France), Renaud Descamps, and the Istituto per losviluppo della formazione professionale dei lavoratori (Isfol, Italy), Roberto Angotti, carried out the research and produced the final study report.
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