Welter, Sebastian
An Entwicklungsaufgaben fehlt es nicht: Erwachsenenbildung in der erweiterten Europäischen Union
DIE Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung 2004(3): Nutzen von Bildung
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With this article, the author (of the Institute of International Cooperation, an institution within the German Adult Education Association, IIZ/DVV) opens up a readers’ discussion in this publication on the subject of education and the EU extension. In his article, an overview of the points of discussion is given. After the breakdown of the socialist societies in the middle and Eastern European countries, educational facilities suffered a severe loss of authority. This has only partly been balanced by commercial educational institutions. Particularly for disadvantaged persons, access to education is still often hard to come by. In order to receive financial support for measures directed at disadvantaged groups, national providers must face the challenge of taking up internationally discussed subjects and guidelines – this, as well, being one dimension of the emergence of a European realm of life-long learning. This brings the author to a definition of the relationship of national and international paradigms of education – especially with regard to Germany.
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