Schrader, Josef
DIE Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung
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»Die Gefahr ist, dass die Wirkung der Piaac-Studie verpufft, weil sie zu viele Adressaten hat und sich jeder hinter dem anderen verstecken kann. Wie schlau die Deutschen wirklich sind, wird sich daran zeigen, ob sie dieser Versuchung widerstehen.« So schrieb DIE ZEIT am 10. Oktober 2013. Die Ergebnisse der beiden Studien PIAAC und CiLL bilden eine wesentliche Grundlage für bildungspolitische Entscheidungen im Weiterbildungssektor. Wie wird dies von Wissenschaft und Praxis wahrgenommen? Welche Umgangs- oder Verwendungsstrategien ergeben sich im Nachklang von PIAAC? Unser #-PIAAC-Heft analysiert, was die Monate danach an Diskursen bereithielten.
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Brandt, Peter

Arbeitsbedingungen in der Weiterbildung

Gespräch mit Forscher/inn/en über Ziele und Nutzen einer Erhebung von DIE, UDE und BiBB

Erpenbeck, John

Stichwort »Kompetenzen«


Schrader, Josef; Wanka, Johanna

»Viele Menschen können ihr Potenzial nicht ausschöpfen«

Im Gespräch mit Dr. Johanna Wanka, Bundeministerin für Bildung und Forschung

Maehler, Débora ; Rammstedt, Beatrice


Eine internationale Studie zur Untersuchung von Alltagsfertigkeiten Erwachsener
Focusing on Germany, the authors provide an overview on the PIAAC key findings. In addition to the findings on everyday skills, an insight on factors such as age and educational qualification, which influence the characteristic of competences, is presented.

Brödel, Rainer

PIAAC und die Grundbildungsarbeit

Entwicklung und Anerkennung professioneller Grundbildung
Based on the assumption that the findings gained during the PIAAC study provide an impetus for the development of demand-driven support opportunities, the author points out the needs for improvement in the field of basic education. At the same time, regarding the content, the author warns of constricting adult education in favour of competence and outcome oriented programmes.

Schmidt-Hertha, Bernhard

PIAAC – Rezeption und Interpretation

PIAAC im Spiegel von Presse und Positonspapieren
The article focuses on the presentation and commentary of the PIAAC study in the German press. Whereas the interpretations varied in the journalistic and political area, the associations and interest groups agree on the increased necessity for investments in the field of adult education.

Schöll, Ingrid

Was aus PIAAC folgen muss

Plädoyer für ein Bundesamt zur Grundbildungssicherung
PIAAC reveals the deficits of basic competences within the adult population. To master this problem, which also applies to the labour market, the author calls for establishing a Federal Office for the protection of basic education. This office may be an opportunity for people with and without a migrational background, persons seeking employment as well as precariously employed people to attend vocational education and training programmes, which are funded by the government.

Friebe, Jens; Knauber, Carolin

Kompetenz im höheren Lebensalter

Vorstellung erster Ergebnisse von CiLL
The article presents initial findings of the CiLL study - a German extending study on PIAAC. Using the same tools as PIAAC, the study measures reading, numeracy and technology-based problem-solving skills of people between 66 and 80 years of age - an age group, which was excluded in the PIAAC study.

Franz, Julia; Scheunpflug, Annette

Der Mehrwert einer Begleitstudie

Competencies in Later Life – CiLL
This article examines the surplus value of CiLL as an accompanying study to PIAAC. Consequently, CiLL does not only point out the significance of acquiring competences for senior citizens but also provides a differential outlook on that phase of life. In addition, the study's methodological structure is examined critically.

Eckert, Thomas

PIAAC kritisch hinterfragt

Eine Auseinandersetzung mit PIAAC's Zielen
The article critically examines PIAAC as well as its objectives. It examines the extent of information provided by PIAAC on untapped competence potential, the needs to improve the acquisition as well as the transfer of competences. It is also an analysis of the study's theoretical and methodological base. At the same time, it reveals the problems and deficiencies of the PIAAC study and offers solutions.

Dobischat, Rolf; Schurgatz, Robert

PIAAC und die berufliche Ausbildung

Befunde zur Ausbildungsreife junger Erwachsener
Based on the PIAAC findings, the authors certify international competitiveness to the German educational system and refute the reproach of insufficient training maturity of German trainees. At the same time, they criticise the recruitment practise in businesses, which is marked by an increasing academisation and exclusion of certain applicant groups

Beil, Judith

Lernprozesse Älterer mit neuen Technologien

Ergebnisse des Projekts »S-Mobil 100«
The author presents findings of the project »S-Mobil 100«, which is aimed at supporting the mobility of senior citizens with new technologies. In addition, it outlines the learning process of the elderly in handling new technologies.

Schneider, Nikolaus

Mehr als Informationsvermittlung

Eine Replik auf Knut Diekmann
The author points out the cultural technique of reading and writing, which enables humans to organise the thoughts, to concentrate and activate the imagination: Thus, reading and writing are much more than the mere dissemination of information and cannot be replaced by any technology.