Egetenmeyer, Regina
Im Fokus: International-vergleichende Forschung in der Erwachsenenbildung/Weiterbildung: Zwischen bildungspolitischer Steuerung und disziplinärer Konfiguration
REPORT Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung 2014(2): International-vergleichende Forschung zur Erwachsenenbildung
15 - 28
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During the last decade, the configuration of international-comparative research in adult and continuing education has been interwoven with influences of stakeholders of (inter-)national educational policies and their agendas. This paper works with a broad understanding of international-comparative research in adult and continuing education. This understanding includes the interpretation of similarities and differences as well as studies which focus on the cultural interrelationship networks of phenomena in adult and continuing education. Based on this approach, four approaches can be differentiated: (1) phenomena-oriented country studies, (2) juxtapositions and comparative studies, (3) studies based on cultural theories, and (4) methodological studies. The analysis shows that subjects and methods of research in most current studies have relations to the agenda of stakeholders of international education policies and their agendas. Moreover, studies are evoked by their agendas. A main task of international-comparative research in adult and continuing education will be a disciplinary configuration by examining these contexts and governance impetus. Thereby, affiliations to the discipline can be created.
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