Nuissl von Rein, Ekkehard Schiersmann, Christiane Siebert, Horst
REPORT Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung
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Lehr-Lern-Forschung hat in den Erziehungswissenschaften in den letzten Jahren wieder eine stärkere Aufmerksamkeit gefunden. Ursächlich erkennbar ist dabei vor allem zweierlei: einerseits die heftige Debatte über die Leistungsfähigkeit des Bildungssystems anlässlich der Ergebnisse der PISA-Studie, andererseits die neuen technischen Möglichkeiten der Neurowissenschaften, anhand Bild gebender Verfahren intrahumane Vorgänge bei Lernprozessen beobachten und nach-weisen zu können. Verbunden damit sind auch andere Diskurse, so etwa die Auseinandersetzung mit der konstruktivistischen Position der individuellen Weltsicht oder der politisch-ökonomisch induzierten Diskussion um die Notwendigkeit selbstgesteuerten Lernens. In der vorliegenden Ausgabe des REPORT werden neuere wissenschaftliche Arbeiten zu Lehr-Lern-Prozessen vorgestellt.
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Siebert, Horst

Lernforschung - ein Rückblick

Research on learning - a retrospective

The history of empirical research on adults’ learning reaches back until the twenties of the last century. This contribution evokes some interpretative research on the pedagogy of learning and teaching for adults. It seems that the adult education sciences’ disciplinary memory is underdeveloped as many instructive older analysis seem to have fallen into oblivion. Recent studies mostly don’t pay attention to the linkages and continuity of the questions. It is all the more relevant to develop a historiography of empirical research on adult education.

Straka, Gerald A.

Vermitteln lerntheoretisch betrachtet

Mediating considered from a learning theoretical angle

Mediating and the theory or science of mediating are current topics of theory building and practice in the field of didactics. This was the reason to investigate whether and how research results combining learning and teaching may support the construction of such a concept. A general framework of acting and teaching is introduced from the perspective of the learning subject. The focus is on the concept of a complex and more dimensional action episode in which acting and information are tied inseparably. During an action episode the subject constructs her/his relation to the surrounding cultural environment. As a consequence, mediating seems not to be a forward-looking perspective.

Wolf, Gertrud

Der Beziehungsaspekt in der Dozent-Teilnehmer-Beziehung als Ressourceund Determinante lebenslangen Lernens

The aspect of relations in the relationship between teacher and learner as resource and determinant for lifelong learning

In addition to the work with the subject being studied there also exists a personal relationship between the learners and their trainers. The communication science has shown the relevance of relationships in every type of interaction. Therefore, it has to be assumed that the quality of relationships has impacts on learning success. This means for the idea of lifelong learning that – connected to success and failure in learning processes – patterns are built that influence success in later learning situations. For the aspects of professional adult education it is necessary to explore the following questions:
- Which role do relations between teachers and learners play?
- Which previous experiences have to be taken into account?
- Which factors in relationships influence the interaction in the learning process?

Arnold, Rolf; Gómez Tutor, Claudia

Emotionen in Lernprozessen Erwachsener

Emotions in Adults’ Learning

Neurophysiological research has shown the relevance of emotions in learning processes. Nevertheless, the exploration of learning processes and the development of competencies is rather characterised by a cognitive perspective. On the basis of systemic-constructivist concepts the authors show that sustainable learning only works when internal experiences are supplemented with external experiences. By that way the levels of emotional and cognitive learning can be combined. The development prospects of the systemic-constructivist paradigm of adult education theories are described by taking some empirical results into account.

Müller, Florian

Interesse und Lernen

Interest and Learning

This article presents an overview of the so-called educational-psychological theory of interest and demonstrates its relevance for the processes and results of learning. Following this theoretical approach, interest behaviour can be described as a relation between person and object. It is accompanied by self-determination, positive emotions and a strong personal relation to certain objects or actions. Advantages of interest-motivated learning appear in improving cognitive and emotional processes and outcomes. Interest can also be seen as a general goal of pedagogy. This article finally exemplifies some options for future research, especially in the field of adult education.

Kil, Monika; Wagner, Sina

Entwicklungsarbeiten zum Fragebogen [OrTe] Ein Instrument zur Erfassung von Erwartungen an Lehre, Lernen und Organisation in der Weiterbildung

Organization and Participants – Development of the instrument [OrTe] to evaluate expectations regarding teaching, learning, and organization in further education

Most of the quality management procedures in continuing education require participant surveys. The perusal of 72 questionnaires in the field of continuing education practice showed that they are mostly related to the participants’ satisfaction with their teachers and the organisation of the course. When those questionnaires’ results then are interpreted, it is not being taken into account in which measure the assessments have been influenced by expectations, motivations and different types of courses and suppliers. In consideration of that the questionnaire “Organisation and Participants” [OrTe] has been developed in the framework of a DFG-project. Its validity and structural qualities then have been evaluated on the basis of a spot check. This contribution presents the questionnaire and the test results.

Hummelsheim, Stefan

Bildung in der Wissensgesellschaft neu denken


Nuissl, Ekkehard

Vespermann, Per: Zertifikat und System. 2005
