Schrader, Josef
DIE Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung
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Familienbildung ist mit ihrer »doppelten Verankerung« in Sozialer Arbeit und Erwachsenenbildung in einem Spannungsfeld zwischen Fürsorge und emanzipatorischer Bildung angesiedelt. Das Heft beleuchtet dieses Spannungsfeld und betrachtet die Bedingungen und die verschiedenen Herausforderungen für die Familienbildung aus erwachsenenpädagogischer Perspektive.
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Thomä, Dieter; Rohwerder, Jan

»Familie ist ein ungeheures Abenteuer«

Im Gespräch mit dem Philosophen Dieter Thomä zu Familie

Iller, Carola

Prävention oder emanzipatorische Bildung?

Familienbildung zwischen Erwachsenenbildung und Sozialer Arbeit
Family education is at the crossroads of adult education and social work. This article outlines the resulting conflict situations as well as the opportunities, which arise as a consequence of the mutual complement of both fields to a compatible system of family work.

Barz, Heiner

Elterntraining oder Beziehungscoaching?

Anforderungen an die Familienbildung heute
The requirement for improving one’s life also concerns the family – and therefore family education. In his documented speech on the occasion of the ceremony for the 60th anniversary of the Catholic Education Centre in Bonn, the author pleads for creating spaces for meetings and relationships as well as for conveying »serenity competences« with family education instead of supporting improvement mania.

Gilles-Bacciu, Astrid

Ungewöhnlich erfolgreich

Eltern-Kind-Kurse in Einrichtungen der Erwachsenen- und Familienbildung
Parent and child programmes are the most frequently offered programmes in family education. The intergenerational experiment of education and lifelong learning has proven its worth in adult and family education and may be regarded as a counter weight to the »expertisation« during the early childhood.

Fischer, Veronika

Familienbildung im Migrationskontext

Diversität anerkennen – Weiterbildungsteilhabe erhöhen
A third of all families in Germany have a background of migration, which offers a great educational potential for family education. The author points out the increased risk situation of this heterogeneous group and warns against the misleading label as a »target group of particular circumstances«. She gives best practice examples and pleads for the intercultural opening of educational institutions.

Schmidt-Hertha, Bernhard

Familie als Lernort von Erwachsenen

Überlegungen zur intergenerationellen Aneignung von Kompetenzen am Beispiel Medienkompetenz
Family is a learning space with special features. Learning processes do not only involve children but also adult family members. Taking the example of the acquisition of media competences, the older generation’s learning processes are analysed based on the qualitative IgelMedia study. With regard to adult education, the author concludes that intra-family learning processes attract attention. The focus should not only be on transferring new knowledge but also on the classification of acquired skills, the exploration of knowledge resources within the family and the acquisition of strategies for developing intra-family learning processes in programmes.