Schrader, Josef
»Bewegtes Lernen. Erwachsenenbildung und Soziale Bewegungen«
DIE Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung
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Rohwerder, Jan; Klein, Ansgar

Zivilgesellschaftliche Handlungsräume als Lernorte der Demokratie

Im Gespräch mit Ansgar Klein über Bewegungen, Engagement und Demokratie

Maurer, Susanne

Bildungserfahrungen im Leben, Lernen, Kämpfen

Dimensionen von Bildung im Kontext von >erster< und >zweiter< Frauenbewegung in Deutschland
Both, the women's movement around 1900 as well as the feminist awakening since the late 1960s were closely connected to educational issues. This article highlights the similarities and differences of both movements with regard to education. According to the author, education is a political issue for both movements. She identifies educational processes in feminist contexts as »specific borderline experiences« with still ongoing disputes.

Flowers, Rick

Das Potenzial der popular education

Soziales Handeln in der Erwachsenenbildung am Beispiel der Pro-Flüchtlingsbewegung
Popular education refers to education for, by, and with, the people. In using examples from the pro refugee movement in his article, the author outlines how this concept supports practice and research to improve the reflection of effects and effectivity of actions in civic organisations.

Miethe, Ingrid

Soziale Bewegungen, Bildungsaufstieg und Bildungsreform

Fünf Verbindungen von Bildung und Bewegung
Participating in social movements can support educational success and stabilise educational paths. Ingrid Miethe draws this conclusion after conducting a study with 85 biographic narrative interviews with successful education achievers. The article presents five aspects to illustrate the connection of being involved in movements and educational success.

Patzelt, Werner J.

»Bildung« und »Rechts«

Rechte Bewegungen und ihre Bildungsbemühungen
The author outlines the »educational efforts« of right wing movements and organisations and presents institutions, means and contents. He pleads for an explicit confrontation with right wing institutions and contents and calls for the educational task of expressing the guiding principle, interdependencies and benefits of a pluralistic democracy.

Brandt, Peter; Schulz von Thun, Friedemann

Willkommenskultur in Harmonie höherer Ordnung

Friedemann Schulz von Thun über Wutbürger und das innere Team der Gesellschaft

Batzel, Marie; Specht, Inga

Kulturelle Bildung virtuell

Beispiele aus der VHS-Praxis
How can virtual spaces, digital media and its potential be utilised for cultural education programmes? The authors analyse the issue by looking at three good practice examples from adult education centres and point out the contributive effect of a reasonable and elaborate use of digital tools in cultural education for the participants’ digital education.