Nuissl von Rein, Ekkehard Schiersmann, Christiane Siebert, Horst
Personen- und organisationsbezogene Bildungsberatung
REPORT Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung
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Personal and organisational educational counselling
The need for support in the search for tailor-made educational programmes is growing along with the ongoing individualisation of educational pathways. Counselling of individuals and organisations is gaining importance in this context.
This issue focuses both on new theories as well as educational policy developments, devoting attention to current challenges in various fields of action: the training of vocational counsellors, research of counselling processes, training counselling at business enterprises and the replacement of tools and instruments for balancing competencies.
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Dauwalder, Jean-Pierre

Beratung: Herausforderungen für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung

Counselling: Changes for a Sustainable Development

If counselling should survive as a generally accepted human service at the beginning of the 21st century, a fundamental shift in paradigms and the therewith connected development of sustainable offers for counselling becomes necessary. Permanent co-evolution of needs from clients, economy and society calls for specific skills and knowledge for analysis and coping with multiple subjective realities, ecological contexts, non-linear causalities and dynamical modelling. This contribution drafts some perspectives on possible developments of counselling as an integrated service that respects both individual and social expectations.

Ertelt, Bernd-Joachim

Wissenschaftliche Aus- und Weiterbildung zur Berufsberatung im internationalen Vergleich

Scientific Training and Further Education on Career Guidance in International Comparison

Most international experts insist that neutral and efficient career guidance can only be guaranteed by a very high professional proficiency of the counsellors. In recent years qualification offers for trainers have huge differences in both quality and contents of training. The contribution illustrates, on the basis of international studies, the efforts to establish European standards of qualifications for counsellors and suggests a modular curriculum at a higher education level. We will, however, limit ourselves to the German-speaking environment and offer a brief insight into different curricular set-ups. Furthermore, we present current offers for further training for counsellors that were essentially developed in the course of various LEONARDO DA VINCI projects.

Gieseke, Wiltrud; Käpplinger, Bernd; Otto, Sylvana

Prozessverläufe in der Beratung analysieren - Ein Desiderat

Begründung und Entwicklung eines Forschungsdesigns
Analysing the Course of Processes in Counselling – A Desideratum
Reasoning and Development of a Research Design

Different processes of counselling have been a non-studied field of research in adult education so far. It is necessary for the professionalization of counselling to close this research gap by an empirical basic work, because the need for counselling is increasing. A research design is explained by this article. The methodological outline will be developed and reasoned.

McCarthy, John

Catapulted to the Front: Career Guidance in European Union and International Policy Perspectives

Im Mittelpunkt der Diskussion: Berufsberatung in der europäischen Union und Aussichten auf internationale Richtlinien

Berufsberatung als Maßnahme steht erneut im Mittelpunkt der politischen Diskussion und ist als Schlüsselelement einer lebenslangen Lernstrategie wiedererkannt worden. Sie wird als Meilenstein in der Entwicklung einer auf Wissen fundierten Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft betrachtet und diskutiert. Eine derartige Anerkennung ist vom Europäischen Rat sowie von der OECD, der Weltbank, der europäischen Kommission und internationalen Organisationen wie der CEDEFOP und EFT begrüßt worden. Dieser Artikel stellt die Entwicklung von Berufsberatung in den Mittelpunkt der politischen Diskussion und setzt sie in einen Kontext weitreichender internationaler Beziehungen in Verbindung mit der Umsetzung einer zielorientierten Rechtsordnung.

Döring, Ottmar; Rätzel, Daniela

Aktuelle Aspekte von Qualifizierungsberatung für Betriebe

Current Aspects of Professional Qualification Consultancy for Companies

Professional counselling has to pick up the thread of the real-life in-house training in order to provide companies with efficient counselling services. A first step would be to make companies sensitive to the identification of a call for action to help them to renovate their learning culture. Thus, they need a repertoire of innovations which is based on a cooperative approach and the application of company expertise to minimize the gap between recent scientific concepts to in-house training and the suspicion of the ones responsible towards the so-called revolutionary innovation. This article introduces demands on professional counselling from the companies’ point of view and takes a closer look at the current practice. On top of that it provides advice on how professional counseling may be in a position to polish its profile as a service.

Preißer, Rüdiger; Völzke, Reinhard

Kompetenzbilanzierung - Hintergründe, Verfahren, Entwicklungsnotwendigkeiten

Striking the Balance between Competences – Backgrounds, Methods, Development Necessities

The term competence entered the pedagogical/educational discussions of the German Education Council in the 1970s. However, it has recently become, once again, the objective of an intensive debate. It is always about the potential of the individuals which exceeds the certified level of knowledge and skills. This article introduces and analyses three different methodological approaches to the evaluation and development of competence in German-speaking regions. Beginning with the introduction of criteria for an evaluation of striking the balance of competences on the basis of several theoretical definitions of characteristic features of competence and different methods to evaluate competence. The conclusion summarises crucial findings and makes recommendations on such methods.