Schrader, Josef
Teilhabe im Alter
DIE Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung
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Brandt, Peter; Rohwerder, Jan; Lehr, Ursula

»Langlebigkeit ist der schönere Begriff«

Im Gespräch mit Altersforscherin und Bundesministerin a.D. Ursula Lehr

Kruse, Andreas

Zur Notwendigkeit eines neuen gesellschaftlichen Enwurfs des Alters

Selbst- und Weltgestaltung in ihrer Bedeutung für Teilhabe im Alter: der Beitrag der Bildung
This article discusses participation of older people from five different perspectives: the perspective of images of old age, the perspective of individual potentials for change and participation, the perspective of the creation of public space, the perspective of social relationships and the perspective of structures of care. Participation is thus understood as a combination of personal, social, cultural, communal and societal factors. Education is seen as a central mechanism for building structures that facilitate participation.

Bubolz-Lutz, Elisabeth

Non-formal selbstbestimmt

Selbstbestimmtes Lernen im Alter am Beispiel des »Denk-Raum 50 plus«
The “Boulevard of Thoughts 50 plus” (“Denk-Raum 50 plus”) is a successful example of self-determined learning in old age. Drawing on this example, the author discusses advantages of self-determined learning and shows success factors of such a format.

Ehret, Sonja

»Im Geiste jugendlich«

Potenziale des Generationendialogs im Kontext der »Schule von Jung und Alt«
In this article, the dialogue between young and very old people is examined structurally and with regards to contents in the context of education and learning. Topics, interpretations and motivations are the factors which decide how educational and learning processes of different generations can be shaped and understood.

Rüber, Ina Elisabeth; Martin, Andreas

Steigendes Alter, sinkendes Engagement?

Zum Zusammenhang von Alter und ehrenamtlichem Engagement in Deutschland
Voluntary engagement is firmly integrated in the structures of our society. To be able to foster it, one has to understand who is engaged and why. Drawing on data of PIAAC and CiLL surveys, the authors show that age is not a relevant factor in why someone is engaged. Rather, education is a key factor in taking up volunteering activities. This, it is shown, is also true for non-formal activities of adult education.

Röhricht, Nicola

Partizipation Älterer in der digitalen Welt

Teilhabesicherung durch digitale Gemeinschaften?
Older people often lack the competences for the handling of digital media. This is problematic in a society which is more and more based on digital exchanges. Courses of continuing digital education for older people prove to be successful when they are embedded into their living environments. In this article, the author presents several of these educational formats.

Wolf, Gertrud

Ich sterbe, also bin ich!

Warum der Tod ein Thema für die Erwachsenenbildung sein sollte
Death is a central part of our lives, but coping mechanisms are oftentimes less than constructive. The author shows our problematic handling of death and our fear of death and argues that adult education can help facilitate a more productive way of dealing with death and our mortality.

Bödecker, Florian

»Ich habe viele andere Verpflichtungen und Interessen«

Was Senioren davon abhält, an wissenschaftlicher Weiterbildung teilzunehmen
Why do senior citizens stop taking part in continuing education? The author tries to find and explain reasons, drawing on a survey regarding courses of scientific continuing education of Ulm University. One key finding is that the biggest impediments are a lack of time and other obligations.

Klenk, Johannes; Armborst-Weihs, Kerstin; Eggert, Ulrich; Schaub, Gabriele; Wacker, Ulrich

Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildungsangebote systematisieren

Vorschlag zur Transparenz der Formate und Qualifikationsniveaus aus baden-württembergischer Perspektive
Courses of scientific continuing education are diverse and heterogeneous. This impedes their comparability and their connectivity to existing qualification frameworks. This article provides a proposal for a systemization, which has been implemented in Baden-Württemberg, and shows possible connections to the German qualification framework (DQR).