Schmidt-Lauff, Sabine Schreiber-Barsch, Silke Nuissl, Ekkehard
RaumZeit in der Erwachsenenbildung
Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung
Springer VS
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Alhadeff-Jones, Michel

Beyond space and time—Conceiving the rhythmic configurations of adult education through Lefebvre’s rhythmanalysis

Like a fabric made of different threads, adult education waives multiple places and reveals different paces whose influences may be complementary, contradictory and antagonistic with each other. The spaces and times that shape people’s life are rarely static or constant. They evolve and fluctuate. Every day, throughout their existence, people have to learn to adjust, coordinate and move through material, natural, social and symbolic environments that keep evolving. The aim of this paper is to explore how to conceive the influences of both spatial and temporal configurations through which adults learn, transform and develop themselves. To proceed, the reflection refers to Henri Lefebvre’s contribution, and more specifically to his conception of rhythmanalysis. The paper first introduces Lefebvre’s ideas around space and time, and opens up the possibility to conceive their relations through the concept of rhythm. Then, the idea of rhythmanalysis is introduced and its use in educational research discussed. The third part of the paper explores and illustrates more specifically three concepts introduced by Lefebvre to interpret the relations between rhythmic phenomena (arrhythmia, polyrhythmia and eurhythmia). It is finally suggested that this triple lens opens up the possibility to analyze the relations between space, time and educational processes through three prototypical rhythmic configurations found in the practice: the experiences of dissonance, alternance and resonance.

Kahl, Ramona

Lernzeiten und Lernräume etablieren

Gelingensbedingungen zur Teilnahme an wissenschaftlicher Weiterbildung
The article deals with the question how learning is made possible in time and space in university continuing education. The analysis focuses on the phases of on-site study and self-study, which are regarded as two forms of dealing with time and space in university continuing education. Both formats present specific challenges for the students, showing that the quality of learning time and learning spaces plays a key role in participation. In addition, times and places for on-site study and self-study have to be socially legitimized and established. The success of these efforts depends on the flexibility of the participants and their professional and private contexts.

Mania, Ewelina

Temporale Bezüge bei Regulativen der Weiterbildungsbeteiligung

Empirische Befunde einer sozialräumlichen Studie
So far, time and space have been addressed in separate discourses without considering the connections between the categories. An integrative perspective on the regulation of participation in further education promise social space perspective. Against the background of the demand for the interweaving of discourses of time and space, the paper deals with the question of which temporal relationships can be found in social space regulators of participation in further education. First of all, the categories of time and space are outlined, whereby their significance for research on participation in further education is primarily concerned. Following the presentation of the methodological background, the results of a time theory-oriented analysis are then presented in the context of a connection of time and space, in which empirical data of a study on social space regulators regarding participation of groups of less well-educated individuals were used.

Schröer, Andreas; Rosenow-Gerhard, Joy

Lernräume für Intrapreneurship. Eine praxistheoretische Perspektive auf Grenzziehung und Grenzbearbeitung im Spannungsfeld zwischen Arbeitsalltag und Innovationsentwicklung

In this paper, the authors examine the setting of and working with boundaries between everyday work and innovation development, based on an empirical analysis of an innovation lab in the social economy. The lab allows intrapreneurs to learn and use entrepreneurial practices to foster social innovation. The process of boundaries setting can be made clear by the spatial structuring of performative practice, the constitution of symbolic spaces, the rhythm of divergence and convergence as well as acceleration and deceleration. The synchronization between the “data time” (Prange) of the process and the modal time of the participants is another crucial challenge for laboratory concepts.

Manhart, Sebastian; Wendt, Thomas

Delokalisierung, Entzeitlichung und Entpersonalisierung organisierter Pädagogik

Zur digitalen Transformation organisationaler Raumzeit und ihres Subjekts
The form of social integration of space and time determines the understanding of learning, personality and subjectification. In modernity, organizations form individuals through systematic observation. For this purpose, semiotic techniques of dynamization of persons—calculation, measurement, visualization, rechaotisation—are developed and used pedagogically. Their digitization leads to the autonomization of presentational control and management practices, which operate without organizations as teaching and learning places. The change of the self is increasingly registered and controlled by means of displays and impersonal algorithms. In response, there is a boom of participatory methods that pedagogically focus on the randomness of interactional immediacy.

Bauer, Moritz; Göhlich, Michael

Wirksamkeit weiterbildenden Studiums

Ergebnisse der Evaluation eines berufsbegleitenden Masterstudiengangs
Aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of an extra-occupational graduate program. Hence it was of crucial importance, whether the alumni assessed the graduate program as effective. To investigate this research question a quantitative questionnaire was designed. Thus the graduate program was evaluated at the three levels reactions, learning and transfer. Overall 88 graduates were interviewed. Data analysis shows the efficacy of the program on all levels. Consequently (theoretical and practical) implications for the graduate program are determined and discussed.

Johannsen, Ulrike; Schlapkohl, Nele; Kaiser, Barbara

Food & Move Literacy in der Erwachsenenbildung. Kompetenzanforderungen im Bereich der Alphabetisierung und Grundbildung

The support of food and move literacy in learning groups mainly aims for a benefit in terms of a health-promoting and sustainable lifestyle. The general education system has developed differentiated education plans containing basic contents and competences on these topics. In adult education comprehensive health education addresses aspects of food- as well as move literacy. In the context of literacy and basic education, however, there are only a few learning opportunities that focus on nutrition and physical activity topics. Quality-controlled education material linking both fields of action with basic education and promote everyday health, nutrition and consumer education are missing. The development of a competence scheme and model, systematically describing competence requirements and learning contents, are helpful for the development and evaluation of material. Scheme as well as model are being described in this article. Theoretical basis and empirical derivation for the learning topic nutrition and physical activity are demonstrated. The benefit for those who are planning programs as well as lecturers in the field of further education is elucidated.

Ngozwana, Nomazulu

Experiences of older adults as caregivers during times of disruption in Lesotho. Implications for adult education

The high mortality rate among Lesotho’s younger generation, caused by disruptions such as chronic illnesses and other socio-economic and cultural changes, has led older adults to become caregivers. This paper reports on the experiences of older adults regarding their caregiving role during times of disruption. It further reveals how older adults have learned about their role as caregivers. Adult learning theories were reviewed and used to interpret the results of the study. The interpretive paradigm using a qualitative approach was used with 25 older adults, who were purposively chosen. Their responses were filled in a questionnaire with open- and close-ended questions, whereas five community leaders were purposively selected and interviewed using a semi-structured interview guide. The results reveal that older adults learned about caregiving roles in non-formal ways, with health education issues disseminated in a workshop by community health workers. On the other hand, other older adults indicated that they learned informally through awareness raising campaigns held by community home-based caregivers and volunteers from various non-governmental organisations. The results point to the compromised well-being of older adults as a consequence of the burden of caring for their grandchildren with little or no resources to perform such caring roles. It is recommended that a holistic approach to build the capacity of older adults be used. This will empower older adults to participate in self-help groups and income-generating projects, and it will train them in vocational skills and knowledge alongside caregiving issues.

Nuissl, Ekkehard; Stöckl, Claudia; Mania, Ewelina; Cendon, Eva

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