Gruber, Elke
Naturwissenschaftliche Bildung
REPORT Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung
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Scientific Education

This issue combines empirical and conceptual access points to research of an area of education which has been for the most part neglected by continuing education: What role does natural science knowledge play in the context of informal and non-formal learning processes of adults? And what impetus can be derived for the structure and design of teaching-learning arrangements in other areas? This issue provides insight into specific issues, providing a contribution to inter-disciplinary understanding.
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Bierbaum, Harald; Euler, Peter

Blickwechsel auf die Naturwissenschaften in der Erwachsenenbildung

Changing the focus on Natural Sciences

At present, public debates postulate more attention to natural sciences in the education sector. First, we will examine the precarious status of natural sciences in adult education and than argue that the traditional focus on natural sciences need to be readjusted. This change of focus aims at a general understanding of scientific developments by which both the individual and the society as a whole will gain and maintain its capacity to judge and act on safe ground. We will argue for an understanding of science rather than for factual knowledge. In that sense, natural sciences need to be incorporated into a broader concept of cultural and political education and lifelong learning.

Filla, Wilhelm

Naturwissenschaften als konstitutives Element moderner Erwachsenenbildung

Natural Sciences as a Constitutive Element of Modern Adult Education

Imparting natural scientific knowledge to a socially broad audience was already quite common in manifold forms before adult education as such was really constituted in the last third of the 19th century. Some of the questions raised when natural science spread in the 18th and 19th centuries are still or again relevant in the 21st century. This paper tries to demonstrate that notion in a summarized form on the basis of an exemplarily composed historical analysis. Reasons for the displacement of natural science from institutional adult education will be briefly mentioned.

Felt, Ulrike

Gestaltungsversuche des Verhältnisses von Naturwissenschaften und Gesellschaft: Leben und implizites Lernen von Bürger/inne/n in der Wissensgesellschaft

Reshaping the Relationship between Natural Sciences and Society – The implicite Learning in Contemporary Society

How much does an average citizen need to know in the field of natural sciences in order to cope with the challenges of contemporary society? This question is being asked from various points of view. We will reconstruct current debates related to this question along three different lines: on the European level, within academia, and by means of a concrete case study. By relating these aspects to each other, we hope to promote an intensified dialogues between natural sciences and society.

Stadler, Matthias

Naturwissenschaften in der Erwachsenenbildung - Was, wie und wozu vermitteln?

How to relate Natural Sciences to Adult Education

Drawing on an intensive debate on the improvement of scientific literacy going on in Germany for more than ten years, this article deals with possible contributions of adult education. Starting with the marginal supply of science courses for adults, I focus on typical didactical arrangements and concepts. Based on an empirical study, exemplary didactical concepts are analysed regarding aims, topics, course type, and audience. The results are contrasted with learning opportunities offered by so called informal learning settings (media, science centers, museums). Consequences for adult education following the claim for scientific literacy for all people are discussed especially concerning the need for further research.

Behringer, Friederike; Käpplinger, Bernd

Betriebliche Weiterbildungsabstinenz in Europa: Ergebnisse der Unternehmensbefragung CVTS3

Non-Participation in Work-based Training in Europe. Results of a Field Study CVTS3

After a review of theories and empirical results concerning enterprise-based continuing training, results of the enterprise survey CVTS3 are discussed with a focus on training abstinence. It is shown that most non-training enterprises do not see a need for training. Public financing measures for the promotion of continuing training are likely to be less efficient for these enterprises, while awareness campaigns and foremost training consultancy could close information gaps and make the perception more sensitive

Goeze, Annika; Hartz, Stefanie

Die Arbeit an Fällen als Medium der Professionalisierung von Lehrenden

Case-based Learning as a Means of Professionalization of Teaching Staff

In adult and teacher education, case-based learning seems a promising way to foster analytical competencies which play a crucial role when identifying and solving practical problems in teaching situations. Thus, the article offers an insight into established concepts of case-based learning within different contexts for the professionalization (of teachers). Therefore, two discourses will be related to one another: one originated in educational science, especially in adult education, the other derives from the psychologically oriented research on learning and instruction. Although the latter focuses on different aspects of cases and their application, the discussions emanating from this domain provide useful information for designing and applying cases in the field of adult and teacher education. In particular, that holds true for digital case-based learning environments.

Egetenmeyer-Neher, Regina

Weil, Markus: Weiterbildungskooperation in KMU. 2006
