Hussain, Sabina
Das Konzept der Family Literacy. Good Practices aus Südafrika/The Concept of Family Literacy. Good Practices from South Africa
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In today’s societies literacy is regarded as the prerequisite for participating in the professional and private spheres of everyday life. It is regarded as a human right, a tool for personal empowerment and a tool to influence the behaviour of individuals, families and communities. Despite the international consensus that literacy skills determine opportunities and provide access to today’s information-based societies, many adults in both industrialized and developing countries find themselves on the margins of society due to their insufficient educational background.
The following report depicts an example of good practice from South Africa. It focuses on the Family Literacy Project as introduced in the Southern Drakensberg area of KwaZulu-Natal. Its intention is to recognize the concept of family literacy as an alternative approach for teaching literacy to adults. The successful adaptation of the concept to the rural South African context and its realization serve as a noteworthy and transferable example that corresponds with the cultural and social heterogeneity of today’s society. Accordingly, the focus of this report is not on the current situation regarding literacy levels or on published data about the number of illiterate adults in South Africa, but rather on the depiction of a concept and a methodology in the area of adult literacy that have been successfully implemented in rural regions of this country.
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