Koch, Sascha
Zwei lehrreiche Jahrzehnte: Einsichten und Interpretationsangebote der Transformationsforschung für die Weiterbildung
DIE Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung 2009(4): Transformation
26 - 29
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This article proposes two interpretational approaches which sociological transformation research offers to reflect on east German transformation processes after reunification. (1) Taking the concept of transformation as modernisation catching up, a picture is painted of a society going through inevitable modernisation processes with a time delay. (2) From the theoretical perspective of contextualisation, transformation is seen as an objectless, complex, conflict-prone process during which eastern professionals re-shape western institutions in the light of regional, social and cultural conditions. The author favours this “context-sensitive” interpretation of post-socialist transformation processes. It provides a plausible explanation for the variety of transformation processes in eastern European countries. The article is set in the framework of continuing education: at the start, it depicts the state of research into eastern German continuing education after 1989, and at the end the author comments on how transformation research has been received in continuing education research.
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