Dewe, Bernd Wiesner, Gisela Zeuner, Christine
Theoretische Grundlagen und Perspektiven der Erwachsenenbildung: Dokumentation der Jahrestagung 2004 der Sektion Erwachsenenbildung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft
REPORT Literatur- und Forschungsreport Weiterbildung
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Zum siebten Mal nach 1973, 1975, 1977, 1980, 1983 und 1994 widmet die Sektion
Erwachsenenbildung der DGfE ihre Jahrestagung der Diskussion theoretischer Grundlagen und Bezüge der Erwachsenenbildungswissenschaft. Der Plenumsvortrag von Klaus Prange hat den Titel: Die vielen Erziehungswissenschaften und die eine Pädagogik. Die fünf Arbeitsgruppen beschäftigen sich mit folgenden Themen:
Arbeitsgruppe 1: Theoretische Bezüge der Erwachsenenbildung
Arbeitsgruppe 2:
Theoretische Grundlagen didaktischer Ansätze in der Erwachsenenbildung
Arbeitsgruppe 3:
Theoretische Gegenstandskonstitution der Erwachsenenbildung
Arbeitsgruppe 4:
Theorie der Übergänge: Erwachsenenbildung - Beratung - Therapie
Arbeitsgruppe 5:
Theoretische Bezüge in beruflicher Erwachsenenbildung und Berufsbildung
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Zeuner, Christine

Einführung in die Tagung


Faulstich, Peter

Theoretische Bezüge der Erwachsenenbildung

Einführung in das Thema der Arbeitsgruppe 1

Hartz, Stefanie

Die Leistungen der Systemtheorie für die Generierung von Forschungsfragen

The performances of the system theory for the generation of research questions

The following is about to present the performances of the system theory for the formulation of research questions by means of an evaluation order. Central for this is the communication term, which is evaluated in terms of its significance for the development of research questions.

Pongratz, Ludwig A.

Kritische Erwachsenenbildung

Erwachsenenbildung im Horizont zeitgenössischer Gesellschaftskritik
Critical adult education
Adult education in the horizon of contemporary societal criticism

The essay contacts basic lines of the early critical theory in order to connect it with power analytical surveys on neoliberal restructuring of education. Foucaults analytics of power serves as a guide to decipher the current self-organisation discourse in adult education as part of a power-knowledge-complex. Thereby the present reform strategies manifest themselves as gouvernemental arrangements for the intensification of new control forms. Especially quality controls act as a "power intensifier", as a transmission strap of an expanding "will for quality".

Kil, Monika

Organisationspsychologische Erträge für die Erwachsenenbildung am Beispiel "Qualität"

Organisation psychological profit for adult education using the example of "quality"

In this contribution organisation psychological theory concepts and empirical methods are used for the current problem of educational institutions of providing a "quality proof" – in the sense of the implementation of quality management systems -, in order to maintain the continuity of their promotion. Before, the organisational psychology is sketched in its extension level, its methods and its reception behaviour towards pedagogy. The author herself has completed a postgraduate study "organisational psychology". Own analysis, among others results of a smaller follow up analysis of 17 "quality projects" in the German state are added.

Weis, Michael

Reflexionen zur aktuellen Qualitätsdebatte aus subjektwissenschaftlicher Perspektive

Reflections on the current quality debate from a subject scientific perspective

The subject scientific theory perspective presented in this contribution makes learning actions from the viewpoint of the learning subjects a subject of discussion. Learning is thereby not composed as a dependent variable of teaching, but as subjective justified acting, that is based on interests, needs and sensitivities which are developed by the learners against the background of societal significance constellations. This point of view on learning implicates a change of perspective: learning action is neither producible nor conditioned, but justified subjectively by the learner by his/her (life-)interests. Therefore the subject scientific learning theory refers to the necessity of a leave of the fiction of the planning and controlling possibilities of subjective learning actions and therewith also on the desideratum of a participation of the learners with the development of quality standards in further education as well as with quality assurance of educational measures.

Bremer, Helmut

Habitus, soziale Milieus und die Qualität des Lebens, Lernens und Lehrens

Habit, social milieus and the quality of life, learning and teaching

The contribution highlights the topic quality in adult education from the perspective of
Bourdieu’s theory of the habit and the on this building concept of social milieus.
Thereby attention is drawn to some aspects neglected in the discussion that are of special interest to the social actors and the ”theory of practice” which derives from them: the learners, the practical processes on the organisational level and the question of the textual reference of quality. First of all the habit concept is scantly outlined in its relevance for adult education (1), then the question of quality of teaching-learning-processes is looked upon (2) as well as at the possibility of milieu-orientated organisation development (3), before the topic is discussed concludingly (4).

Zeuner, Christine

Theoretische Grundlagen didaktischer Ansätze in der Erwachsenenbildung

Einführung in des Thema der Arbeitsgruppe 2

Kaschuba, Gerrit

Theoretische Grundlagen einer geschlechtergerechten Didaktik

Begründungen und Konsequenzen
Theoretical basics of a gender equal didactics
Substantiations and consequences

The contribution makes a subject of discussion the significance of the category gender for
theoretical basics of didactical approaches in adult education. Structural gender characterize the adult education research, the institutions, the educational situations, the educational apprehension as well as the people participating with the educational actions and the worlds of their lives. These conditions for outcome require a determination of location of adult education in relation to equality political developments, conceptional approaches of gender fair equal didactics and theory discourses of social science women- and gender research.

Ludwig, Joachim

Modelle subjektorientierter Didaktik

Models of subject orientated didactics

This contribution has a didactic theoretical perspective. Three didactic theoretical concepts (constructivistical, interaction-related and subject-theoretical) are thereupon questioned, how they substantiate and comprehend subject orientation in didactical action. In the centre are questions of the worth of subjective knowledge stocks and the theoretical substantiation of the relation between teachers and learners. After a criticism of the constructivistical and interaction-related model a subject-theoretical model is suggested that substantiates the subject orientation as a reflection of a particularity of individual action problems of learners against the background of their general processes of socialization.

Grotlüschen, Anke

Konsequenzen aus subjektorientierter Forschung: Fragen an eine medien- und erwachsenen-didaktische Anforderung

Consequences from subject-orientated research: questions to a media- and adult didactical requirement

Based on empirical results that are currently available on subject-scientific basis on e-learning, the author wants to pose questions to media- and adult didactical set-ups. He asks these questions pointedly by bringing the “burning glass-thesis” up for discussion. Thereby it needs to be clarified, which characteristics justify a specific media-didactical discussion. Because these specific reasons do not solve the problems that arise empirically, separate media didactics shall be deferred. This opens up the view for arguments of general didactics. They shall be confronted with the tendencies of adult didactics. The question is interesting, whether a subject scientific didactics can exist or whether a paradox lies here.

Schüßler, Ingeborg

Paradoxien einer konstruktivistischen Didaktik

Zur Problematik der Übertragung konstruktivistischer Erkenntnisse in didaktische Handlungsmodelle - theoretische und praktische Reflexionen
Several paradoxes of a constructivistical didactics
The problem of the transfer of constructivistical insights into didactical action models – theoretical and practical reflections

In the following, four central theses of the radical constructivism insight are worked out, which show gains as well as contradictions from this perspective of adult didactical action. A concluding bottom line goes into the matter of the question of how viable constructivism is for didactical action.

Berzbach, Frank

Der neue Jargon normativer Pädagogik

Empirische Befunde zum Normativitätsproblem konstruktivistischer Erwachsenendidaktik
The new jargon of normative pedagogy
Empirical results of the normativity problem of constructivistical adult didactics

The present contribution attends to the normativity problem of the constructivistical adult didactics. For this a research design is introduced which facilitate an empirical analysis of ethical implications (1). When one regards the relocation of non-pedagogical terms in adult pedagogy, transformation examples can be seen, which is a central result in the analysis carried out (2). Concluding, the question is debated, which - besides an empirical perspective - also requires a theoretical perspective (3).

Walber, Markus

Konstruktivismus als Legitimation für selbstgesteuertes Lernen mit neuen Medien?

Constructivism as a legitimation for self-directed learning with new media?

Constructivism does not seldomly only serve primarily the legitimation of current "teaching-learning-technologies". So the conclusion of "constructivism legitimizes self-directed learning and therefore learning with new media" in the media-didactical literature is wide spread. The present text shall investigate, whether these are logical conclusions or whether they are "short circuits". For this the relation of constructivistical principle of self-organisation on self-directed learning is focused. The text dedicates itself to the principle coupling problem of teaching- and learning-operations and shows where these can be mutually connectable to finally demonstrate implications for teaching and learning with new media.

Wittpoth, Jürgen

Theoretische Gegenstandskonstitution der Erwachsenenbildung

Einführung in das Thema der Arbeitsgruppe 3

Seitter, Wolfgang

"Einführung in die Erwachsenenbildung"

Gegenstandskonstituierung und Theorieperspektiven im Medium einer spezifischen Literaturgattung
"Introduction into adult education“
Constitution of object and theory perspectives in the medium of a specific literature genre

The contribution analyses in an observation of second order the specific method, with which the newly "introduction into adult education“ is constituted its object and thereby brings to bear a special perspectivity. The four analysed introductions make a topic of adult education as a double search move, as professional learning intercede, of learning as an institutionalisation form of learning of adults and as scientific propadeutical application case.

Forneck, Hermann

Das "unregierte" Subjekt

Lernen in der Weiterbildung
The "unreigned" subject
Learning in adult education

In adult education – but not only this profession - humanistic psychology, chaos theory, constructivism, modernisation theory are, among others, in many cases normatively charged. Thus they are no longer theories for explanation but instructions for the design of social reality, namely of further education. In contrast to this the author here is interested in the system of relations, in which the subjects are interwoven when they enter a formalised learning process. The author proceeds from the assumption of a structure of the field, in which not only learning adults but also the advocates of the profession and the organisations are bound. According to the author this structure more adequately expresses what adult- respectively further education is than what the subjects can voice in their opinions. The structure "includes the system of "satisfaction" or non-satisfaction", which the protagonists feel, the conflicts that they feel or he expectations and ambitions that they signify" (Bourdieu 1997, p. 24). At the same time the author wants to (in gouvernmental intention) analyse the new configuration of central terms of the field and thereby correspondingly analyse their structural deposit in the field.

Weisser, Jan

"Weiterbildung für alle" als Theorieproblem

Über Erziehungswissenschaft und ihre Teilgebiete
"Further education for all" as a theory problem
On pedagogy and its partial areas

The policy metaphor "further education for all" poses a challenge for further education processes in adult education and the special education. It puts aspects of disability and disadvantage from the edge into the centre of the theory problems. The question is how further education and special education (can) deal with the altered public problem horizon. It is analysed how the two pedagogical partial areas choose their specific customization of problem and how it can be interlocked. The interleave, so the result, implicates the analysis of barriers before every target group construction.

Weber, Karl

Produktion und Kommunikation in der Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildungsforschung

Production and communication in adult- and further education research

Since years questions of adult education and further education are worked on by research in Switzerland. Also the universities participate. Based on recherches it is debated, whether this research practice has lead to a creation of a social field which enables the continuity of discourse, the accumulation of knowledge, the formation of functional standards and the chances of acquiring reputation.

Gnahs, Dieter

Theoriebezüge aktueller Weiterbildungsforschung

References to theory of present research on further education

Commonly in the scientific discourse one distinguishes between basic research and implementation orientated research. The latter often takes place as order research that in the ususal case is application orientated and practice orientated. This type of research often exhibits only an implicit reference to theory as several examples show. In this context an intensified co-operation between basic research and implementation orientated research seems helpful which appears to be appropriate to better interlock theory and empiric, to accentuate the subject area and to increase the state of knowledge on further education overall.

Dewe, Bernd

Theorie der Übergänge: Erwachsenenbildung - Beratung - Therapie

Einführung in das Thema der Arbeitsgruppe 4

Einheit, Differenz, Übergänge

Auf dem Weg zu einer Metatheorie der Kommunikationsformate Erwachsenenbildung, Beratung und Therapie
Unity, difference, transitions
On the way to a meta theory of the communication formats adult education, consultancy and therapy

In theoretical substantiations of adult education the reconstruction perspective is too narrow arranged and adult education is forwardly regarded separately from structurally similar intervention forms. Similarities and transitions between adult education, consultancy and therapy are being neglected with negative consequences for the theoretical subject constitution of adult education itself. Regarded in terms of communication theory these communication formats constitute itself and its action in the relative concrete interaction situations, though in institutional terms apparently obvious distinctions arise. It is intended to examine unity- and difference postulates and to keep track of the question of floating transitions and their particularities in the context of an integrative theory perspective.

Fuest-Bellendorf, Almut; Sauer-Schiffer, Ursula; Ziemons, Michael

Beratung gestalten

Beratungsforschung für die Erwachsenenbildung und außerschulische Jugendbildung?
Designing consultancy
Research on consultancy for adult education and extracurricular youth education?

Besides a scientific debate, the following contribution is about facing the challenge of the action competence consultancy in the context of making pedagogues professionals. The aim is to modify and design existing interdisciplinary knowledge for consultancy in the context of adult education. How consultancy in the practice of adult education can be analysed interdisciplinary and which possibilities of design of adult pedagogical consultancy can develop hereby are shown exemplarily by the research contributions of Almut Fuest-Bellendorf and Michael Ziemons that are described in extracts.

Dorn-Keymer, Heinrich

Therapeutisierung betrieblichen Führens

Kritik eines Jargons in der Führungskräfteschulung - dargestellt anhand einer selektiven Auswertung der Fachzeitschrift Manager Seminare
Therapeutical influence in company operational lead
Criticism of a jargon in the manager training - presented by means of a selective analysis of the professional journal “Manager Seminars”

The contribution takes a look at the group “managers" in the framework of the operational lead because their future management action does not stay without influence on the company “as a whole”. Permanent changes also determine an alteration of the (leading) role, so that additional requirements move into the centre of focus. In order to be able to be forearmed concerning the company’s challenges, an instrument of the manager development – the manager training – is exposed. Manager trainings, which are at heart further education measures are often sold therapeutically without the parties concerned being clear about this. Against this background, contributions of the magazine “Manager Seminars“ shall be analysed in order to prove the criticism of a jargons in the manager trainings.

Winterling, Jens

Gegen das Selbstmissverständnis von Quasitherapeut/inn/en innerhalb der Weiterbildungsszene

Against the self-misunderstanding of quasi therapists within the adult education scene

The topic will squirm itself around a complicated relation when it is about naming the establishment of psycho therapists’ “elements” and thereby simultaneous medical “elements” within the practice of further education and concerning this matter simultaneous commenting when esoterical components are added. This interconnection shall be debated system theoretically. Finally the question of regulating possibilities is posed.

Bentler, Annette; Bührmann, Thorsten

Beratung im Übergang

Schnittstellen von Schule und Studium sowie von Studium und Beruf
Consultancy in transition
Interfaces of school and study as well as of study and job

Setting out from the point of a teaching insight, which understands study as a job biographical phase, study entrance as well as study withdrawal as central interfaces of this phase achieve increasing significance. At the universities increasingly practical initiatives at these interfaces can be observed; certainly hardly any empirical studies exist that take a closer look at the need of the students at this transition phases. Based on own studies and development projects, this article shall give a contribution: Setting out from the need of the students, general hints for format of events for the target groups in transition are formulated and the hence resulting consequences for the teachers, the university study and research are outlined.

Luchte, Katja

Wissenschaftliche Begleitung als empirische Forschung und Beratung

Scientific guidance as empirical research and consultancy

Scientific guidance as a self-evident component of adult education stands in area of tension of empirical research and consultancy. This tension ratio can be dissolved when one dissolves scientific guidance in two phases, one survey phase and a consultancy phase, which are then defined as different situations of adult education.

Wiesner, Gisela

Theoretische Bezüge in beruflicher Erwachsenenbildung und Berufsbildung

Einführung in das Thema der Arbeitsgruppe 5

Arnold, Rolf; Pätzold, Henning

Die Systemik der Kompetenzentwicklung

Theoretical references in professional adult education and vocational training

To the extent that social sciences are dependent on the terms with which they are formulated also adult education underlies the impacts of terminological decisions, that can be encountered this way or another way. The usage of the term intervention is such a decision, it stands in the centre of this contribution. By interpreting the empirical results of research on self-learning competences as well as by theoretical deliberations subsequent to the system theory and systematic consultancy concepts shall be fathomed as to how far adult pedagogical drafts carry (and which practical consequences can result), when they renounce on the term of intervention. Thereby from an empirical perspective the significance of emotions, from a theoretical perspective, the concepts of a structural linkage and the reconstellation play a large role.

Dehnbostel, Peter

Konstitution reflexiven Handelns im arbeitsbezogenen Lernen

Erwachsenenbildung im betrieblichen Kontext
Construction of reflexive acting in work related learning
adult education in the context of the company

With the arising of post industrial work relations employment contracts, learning and further education develop to an important factor of success in companies. In an increasingly customer orientated and globalized economy, a reflective work action has become possible and necessary both in view of subject related developments and work environments and structures. This double reflexibility is summed up in a conditional frame of reflexive action and is substantiated theoretically essentially by the theory of structuring. For the development of the operational further training and adult education it is vital how in one sense reflexibility and competence development at work furthermore increase in significance.

Helmig, Rainer

Erwachsenenpädagogische Verantwortung bei der Interpretation und Deutung empirischer Befunde für wissensbasierte Bildungsbedarfsanalysen

Adult pedagogical responsibility in the interpretation and explanation of empirical results for knowledge-based education needs analysis

Education needs analyses often appear in a picture of the "comparison" of definable desired value and measured actual value. Thereby mostly the impression of deficits arise. Depending on
the arrangement of a needs analysis, therewith in a special way questions are posed concerning the processing and application of the empirical data material, especially with the interpretation and explanation of the compiled results with qualitatively arranged analyses. Knowledge-based tests rely on the incidence progression of learn- and work processes, their cognitive and social progression actions. Hence from it results a special responsibility of the explanation work, the interpretation and evaluation of the data.

Lehnhoff, Andre; Petersen, Jendrik

Neue Trends im Bildungsmanagement

New trends in educational management

This contribution is about sharpening the awareness in companies in an offensive way in the sense of a fair debate with the considerations of the other party by means of educational management. In order to invite all organisation members and to enable such processes, the project group scientific consultancy (PwB) has elaborated a staff development seminar with several affiliated groups. The basis for professional feedback talks and on these building staff development- and educational programmes are given by the up-to-date and close to reality situations which serve the whole organisation and their members. New trends in educational management show a didactic-organisational character.