Nuissl von Rein, Ekkehard
Kopf oder Zahl
DIE Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung
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Kopf oder Zahl – was zählt? Die Bildungspolitik verlangt nach quantitativ-empirischen Grundlagen. In den Erziehungswissenschaften hat die quantitativ-empirische Forschung an Bedeutung gewonnen. In der Praxis spielen quantitative Daten und Benchmarks eine immer wichtigere Rolle bei der Positionierung und Steuerung von Einrichtungen und Angeboten. Wie weit trägt diese sog. Evidenzbasierung? Es geht schließlich um die „Köpfe“, welche die Zahlen abbilden sollen. Die Beiträge des Themenschwerpunkts abtworten salomonisch: „Kopf oder Zahl“ lautet ihre Devise.
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Reich-Claassen, Jutta; Tippelt, Rudolf

Stichwort: Evidenzbasierung


Koch, Lutz

Messbarkeit als Norm

Warum quantitativ-empirische Forschung nicht neutral ist
This article explores the inherent normative nature of what on the surface appears to be neutral empirical research. Direct and indirect normative influences exercised by empirical research are demonstrated using the example of the PISA studies: (1) their desire to provide knowledge which can help steer policy, (2) the normative nature of their didactical concepts and educational theory, (3) the idea derived from the sequence of studies of adapting classroom instruction to conform with the concept in the phases between the surveys and (4) the operationalisation of theoretical measurement standards required before measurement, which can assume the form of criteria for action, in terms of their quantitative measurability.

Buchhaas-Birkholz, Dorothee

Die "empirische Wende" in Bildungspolitik und Bildungsforschung

Zum Paradigmenwechsel des BMBF in der Forschungsförderung
The author traces the change in paradigm in educational policy from the perspective of the Ministry in charge as a »fundamental empirical change«. It shows structures and framework conditions underlying pertinent major projects (National Educational Panel, technology-based testing, the Programme for Empirical Educational Research) and draws attention to the output and competence orientation as their “leitmotif”. By the same token it views educational policy and educational research as being dependent on one another in the conditions governing their success, even if these follow their own logics in action.


Rosenbladt, Bernhard von

Vom Erkenntniswert der Vogelperspektive

Weiterbildung in Zahlen am Beispiel von BSW und AES
Proceeding from the educational policy objective of achieving greater participation in continuing education, this article presents a set of instruments with which the learning and educational behaviour of adults can be measured statistically. Taking the example of data selected from the Continuing Education Reporting System (Berichtssystem Weiterbildung (BSW)) and the Adult Education Survey (AES), the potential for analysis and the generation of knowledge offered by statistics on continuing education are explored. Data on volumes of continuing education, the number and duration of learning activities and the sectoral location of continuing education activities are presented in international comparison.


Heuer, Klaus

IQ – die Zahl fürs Köpfchen

Der HAWIE Intelligenztest aus dem Archiv des DIE

Weinrauch, Wolfgang

Referenzen und Impulse

Vom Nutzen empirischer Weiterbildungsdaten in der Praxis
How can continuing education in actual practice really use empirical data on the area of continuing education? The author, a business manager at an adult college special-purpose association, demonstrates in his article the practical potential offered by empirical educational research. The data generated serve as a comparative parameter for local statistics and can help identify and corroborate fields of development. He elucidates this using the examples of milieu marketing and course leader qualifications.

Lencer, Stefanie; Lindemann, Barbara; Mania, Ewelina; Rosenstiel, Tatjana von

Basisqualifikation für die Alphabetisierungs- und Grundbildungsarbeit

Die Fortbildung des Verbundprojekts »ProGrundbildung« als Beitrag zur Professionalisierung
Given the current debate over qualifications and skills of teachers in adult education, the continuing education programme “Basic qualification for literacy and basic educational work” developed within the framework of the joint project ProGrundbildung seeks to professionalise adult education teachers who work in or who want to work in the field of literacy and basic education. The authors present the concept of continuing education and discuss the data on personnel structure, motives for undergoing continuing education and quality aspects of continuing education surveyed within the framework of the evaluation of the qualification. Finally, it is shown what contribution continuing education can make to professionalisation of literacy and basic education.

Kliche, Thomas; Post, Manuela; Wormitt, Kathrin

Gesundheitsförderung durch Erwachsenenbildung

Wirkungen der Entspannungs- und Stressbewältigungsangebote an Volkshochschulen
This article presents results of a national medical impact analysis of relaxation and stress-management courses. The impact on health was examined on 132 persons at 40 adult colleges (VHS) at the beginning and end of courses as well as three months thereafter. The courses attained high levels of satisfaction among the participants and significantly improved health-related quality of life, psychological and physical ailments, and this effect remained three months after the end of the course as well. Various relaxation methods have similarly significant effects. The courses promoted the health of all sub-groups equally well. The regular use of the method was important with respect to the effects. Adult education thus provides courses which have a positive impact on health in a sustainable manner throughout Germany.