Nuissl von Rein, Ekkehard
Bildung und Gerechtigkeit
DIE Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung
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Die gerechte Gestaltung des Bildungssystems wird von Politikern, allen voran Bildungsministerin Schavan, immer wieder als zentrale Herausforderung der Gegenwart verstanden. In diesem Zusammenhang hat das BMBF jüngst gemeldet, dass die öffentlichen Bildungsausgaben 2010 erstmals die 100 Milliarden Euro überstiegen haben. Es ist nur eine der Fragen dieses Heftes, ob die öffentlichen Ausgaben für Weiterbildung mehr Gerechtigkeit schaffen. Wir fragen grundsätzlicher, was Bildungsgerechtigkeit überhaupt sein kann und soll. Und da geraten nicht nur die »sozialen Disparitäten« in den Blick, die üblichen Verdächtigen also: Nein, es geht auch um Lohngerechtigkeit, um regionale Ungleichheiten und schließlich um das Menschenrecht auf Lebenslanges Lernen.
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Brandt, Peter; Kil, Monika

Stichwort: "Bildungsgerechtigkeit"


Bohmeyer, Axel

Bildung und Gerechtigkeit

Ethische Reflexionen des normativ imprägnierten Bildungsdiskurses
The report focuses on the significance of the term “educational justice” from a socio-ethical perspective based on current political debates. The concepts of equal opportunities, participation and achievements are relevant in the intricate discourse on education and justice. The report is a contribution to the conceptual systematization which is indispensable for a profound analysis of equality related aspects of the education system.

Herbrechter, Dörthe; Loreit, Franziska; Schemmann, Michael

(Un-)Gleichheit in der Weiterbildung unter regionalen Vorzeichen

Education and equity are certainly central issues of educational research as well as topics of controversial public debate. On the one hand, Social Justice and Inequality Research focus on adult education, on the other hand adult education addresses the subject itself. Through the re-analysis of organizational structural data gathered from adult education providers in the state of Hesse, Germany, this article takes a closer look at the field of adult education. It aims to examine participation against the backdrop of regional disparities. In the context of the intended alignment of regional living conditions that is required by law, the unequal distribution along geographic-structural conditions takes on the meaning of a (“territorial”) dimension of inequality of adult education participation.

Mania, Ewelina; Strauch, Anne

Lohngerechtigkeit in der Weiterbildung

Gerechtigkeitskonzepte und Diskussionsstand
“Precarious forms of work”, “wages near the poverty level” and “demand for minimum wages” – these are key words reflecting the status of continuing education personnel and the concurrent debate. The report focuses on the equality of wages in continuing education, taking up the business economical concept of “proportional equality of wages” as a result of the various references to the current debate in the field of adult and continuing education. The principles of market conformity, equal qualifications and social equality prove to be particularly viable and relevant for remuneration in continuing education.

Elfert, Maren

Gibt es ein Recht auf lebenslanges Lernen?

Der globale Bildungsdiskurs aus menschenrechtlicher Perspektive
The article focuses on the development of the global educational discourse from a human rights perspective, particularly with regard to adult education and lifelong learning. The author discusses the historic milestones set by the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and the consequent understanding of learning as well as the various national implementation strategies of the right for lifelong learning.

Heuer, Klaus

Condorcets Menschenrecht auf Bildung

Fundstücke und Fragen

Ehmann, Christoph

Weiterbildung – kein Benachteiligtenprogramm

Verteilungsprinzipien in der öffentlichen Weiterbildungsfinanzierung 1949–2010
Publically funded adult education has rarely contributed to the increase of educational equality. Often enough, it has been beneficial to those who had already enjoyed their share of education and employment. The author reflects on the German post-war history of continuing education and identifies several cycles of financial distribution. The initial focus of adult education was on educationally ambitious citizens. Based on a socio-political motivation, the learning of employees became increasingly important during the “realist change”. Support by the employment agency is presented against the background of an education-economical utility calculus. The fact that no federal framework law on continuing education was able to prevail, is considered to be a final waiver with regard to the equality issue.

Metzger, Marius

Libertärer Paternalismus als didaktische Haltung

In developing learning arrangements, adult educators can influence decisions in learning/teaching situations, improve learning effective decisions of learners and therefore enhance the range of opportunities. All aspirations enforcing attitude alterations on learners are unacceptable. Learners should preferably judge the effectiveness of their decisions in alignment with their individual standards. This report indicates methods of controlling learning-effective decisions without limiting the range of choices. Analyzing examples on a micro-didactic level, opportunities and limits of influence are pointed out.