Nuissl von Rein, Ekkehard
Forschungsmethoden in der Weiterbildung
REPORT Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung
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Adult Education is rarely associated with genuine research methods. But recently a number of innovative methodical approaches have emerged which have been implemented in adult education. Often these empirical approaches are interconnected and therefore will be in the focus of our attention. This edition of REPORT will present and evaluate these innovative research methods in adult education.
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Nolda, Sigrid

Ansätze bildwissenschaftlicher Erwachsenenbildungsforschung. Anwendungsgebiete und Methoden

In the usually clearly word- and text-oriented research field of adult education, for a while now, approaches have been observed, which understand visual presentations as data to be analyzed in a methodically controlled way. These data are used in order to generate and substantiate knowledge about adult education, whereby intensity, contexts, theoretical background and methods or methodology are different. This article presents these approaches in the research fields focusing on students, programmes, concepts and courses, considering studies which are normally not considered in one context. It pleads for more intense scientific analyses of visual material and for an expansion of this research on further fields and data types concerning adult education and adult learning.

Schmidt-Hertha, Bernhard; Tippelt, Rudolf


The development of typologies is used as a method in social and educational research that helps to systematically reduce complex information. Thus, developing typologies facilitates theoretical as well as empirical clarification and contributes in this way to the attainment of scientific insights. Typologies are based on the results of comparisons derived from analysing empirical material. These results are then clustered and outlined as dimensions for allocating individual cases, identifying indicators for differentiation, describing contexts and finally characterising single types. This paper introduces selected forms and strategies of developing typologies and discusses requirements for typologies as well as criteria for differentiation. It concludes with an illustration of the potential of typologies for research on adult education by offering concrete examples.

Käpplinger, Bernd

Methodische Innovationen durch neue Nutzungen und Kombinationen einer alten Methode. Das Beispiel der Programmanalyse

Program analyses are considered as genuine methods of research in further education. The basic understanding is that innovation is not only an invention of new methods, but also an implementation of existing methods in new ways. The most important approaches of program analysis will be presented and discussed concerning their alteration. This is also relevant for qualitative research in further education in general.

Hippel, Aiga von

Programmplanungshandeln im Spannungsfeld heterogener Erwartungen. Ein Ansatz zur Differenzierung von Widerspruchskonstellationen und professionellen Antinomien

The article aims at providing guidelines for a clear theoretical differentiation between various areas of tension in the planning of programs by outlining Structures and contradictory constellations have an impact on the contouring of antinomies and, thus, on program planning. A professional approach to program planning manifests itself in how such professional antinomies are dealt with, in particular. In addition to being of great value to the scientific analysis, this differentiation is also of relevance to the training and further education of adult educators. Through an integrated discussion of different approaches to program planning and theories of professionalization, the author aims at providing a supplementation to the existing models of program planning.

Nittel, Dieter; Sievers, Alan

Dem "subjektiven Faktor" auf der Spur. Die Geschichte der Erwachsenenbildung im Spiegel berufsbiographischer Generativität

The article is based on the assumption that there is a dialectical correlation between biography and society. The authors develop an analytical category to better conceptually capture the influence of education policy frameworks through individuals’ professional performance. The main focus will be on the life stories of two figures which are pivotal for the development of the Hessian or even German history of adult education: Walter Korn and Rudi Rohlmann.