
Kukovetz, Brigitte; Sadjed, Ariane; Sprung, Annette
(K)ein Hindernis!?

Fachkräfte mit Migrationsgeschichte in der Erwachsenenbildung

, Löcker , 2014 , 301 Seiten
Österreich, Erwachsenenbildner, Migrationshintergrund, Diversity Management, Antidiskriminierung, Reform, Partizipation, Studie Die Studie, die diesem Band zu Grunde liegt, untersuchte den Zugang von ErwachsenenbildnerInnen mit Migrationsgeschichte (in erster und zweiter Generation) zu Beschäftigung in österreichischen Weiterbildungsinstitutionen. Die kritische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema der Repräsentation – ein Indikator für Anerkennung, politische und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe – stellt einen Fokus des vorliegenden Buches dar. Weitere Schwerpunkte liegen auf der Auseinandersetzung mit Selbst- und Fremdbildern der Fachkräfte in Bezug auf den Einfluss ihrer Migrationsbiographien sowie ihre vielschichtigen Handlungsstrategien im professionellen Umfeld. Die Ergebnisse, die auf Fragebogenerhebungen, qualitativen Interviews mit MigrantInnen wie auch mit VertreterInnen von Bildungseinrichtungen basieren, verweisen unter anderem auf Mechanismen institutioneller Diskriminierung, die Bedeutung sozialen Kapitals, aber ebenso auf förderliche Praxen in Institutionen. Auf Grundlage der empirischen Ergebnisse sowie der theoretischen Auseinandersetzung mit Konzeptionen des Diversity Management, der interkulturellen Öffnung sowie des Abbaus institutioneller Diskriminierung wurden Leitlinien und Empfehlungen für antidiskriminatorische Reformen in der Erwachsenenbildung abgeleitet. (Verlag)


Ertl, Hubert
A world of difference?

Research on higher and vocational education in Germany and England

, Utz , 2014 , 234 Seiten
Großbritannien, Deutschland, Schule, Hochschule, Hochschulbildung, Berufsbildung, Bologna-Prozess This volume investigates the policy agenda and its impact on educational practice in England and Germany. It draws on a number of research projects into reform in higher and vocational education in these two national contexts. This research argues that on-going reform in the two countries has emphasized the intra-national diversification of the institutional frameworks in which educational practice is shaped, often with little or only superficial reference to the international context. Despite some similarities in the development of higher and vocational education in the two countries, this book highlights the continued importance of culture-specific policy formation and reception processes. (Verlag)


Haladyna, Thomas M.; Rodriguez, Michael C.
Developing and validating test items

New York [u.a.]
, Routledge , 2013
Vereinigte Staaten, Hochschule, Leistungsmessung, Prüfung, Test, Entwicklung, Bewertung Since test items are the building blocks of any test, learning how to develop and validate test items has always been critical to the teaching-learning process. As they grow in importance and use, testing programs increasingly supplement the use of selected-response (multiple-choice) items with constructed-response formats. This trend is expected to continue. As a result, a new item writing book is needed, one that provides comprehensive coverage of both types of items and of the validity theory underlying them. This book is an outgrowth of the author's previous book, Developing and Validating Multiple-Choice Test Items, 3e (Haladyna, 2004). That book achieved distinction as the leading source of guidance on creating and validating selected-response test items. Like its predecessor, the content of this new book is based on both an extensive review of the literature and on its author's long experience in the testing field. It is very timely in this era of burgeoning testing programs, especially when these items are delivered in a computer-based environment. Key features include: Comprehensive and Flexible--No other book so thoroughly covers the field of test item development and its various applications. Focus on Validity--Validity, the most important consideration in testing, is stressed throughout and is based on the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, currently under revision by AERA, APA, and NCMEIllustrative Examples--The book presents various selected and constructed response formats and uses many examples to illustrate correct and incorrect ways of writing items. Strategies for training item writers and developing large numbers of items using algorithms and other item-generating methods are also presented. Based on Theory and Research--A comprehensive review and synthesis of existing research runs throughout the book and complements the expertise of its authors"— (Verlag)


Appleby, Yvon; Pilkington, Ruth; National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (England and Wales)
Developing Critical Professional Practice in Education

, NIACE , 2014
Großbritannien, Erwachsenenbildung, Erwachsenenbildner, Professionalisierung, Kritische Pädagogik, Modell What does it mean to be a professional in education and in other sectors where education is a focus? How can professional development techniques be implemented in a variety of settings to best effect? Over the last decade many shifts in individual professional identity and sector requirements in education have been evident. This book engages with current debates and presents a new model – critical professional development – involving several new concepts which are mapped clearly to practice and covering the necessary techniques and approaches. Key organisational challenges and possibilities in implementation are highlighted. In outlining the new model, the text discusses theories and perspectives of critical professional development in education, from policy to practice. Case studies from a range of education sectors convey unique and richly textured examples of successful professional practice, providing strong links between teaching and learning and professional development, with approaches that can be widely adopted and applied in different settings. Developing Critical Professional Practice in Education will be of value to education practitioners in all areas, including managers, course leaders and developers, teachers and tutors, but also more widely for those with an interest in professional development, including HR staff. (Verlag)


McGuinn, Patrick [Hrsg.]; Manna, Paul [Hrsg.]
Education governance for the twenty-first century

overcoming the structural barriers to school reform

Washington, D.C.
, Brookings Institution Press , 2013
Vereinigte Staaten, Bildungswesen, Steuerung, Bildungspolitik, Bildungsreform, Schulreform America's fragmented, decentralized, politicized, and bureaucratic system of education governance is a major impediment to school reform. In this important new book, a number of leading education scholars, analysts, and practitioners show that understanding the impact of specific policy changes in areas such as standards, testing, teachers, or school choice requires careful analysis of the broader governing arrangements that influence their content, implementation, and impact. Education Governance for the Twenty-First Century comprehensively assesses the strengths and weaknesses of what remains of the old in education governance, scrutinizes how traditional governance forms are changing, and suggests how governing arrangements might be further altered to produce better educational outcomes for children. Paul Manna, Patrick McGuinn, and their colleagues provide the analysis and alternatives that will inform attempts to adapt nineteenth and twentieth century governance structures to the new demands and opportunities of today. (Verlag). Inhalt: Education governance in America: who leads when everyone is in charge? / Patrick McGuinn and Paul Manna -- The failures of U.S. education governance today / Chester E. Finn Jr. and Michael J. Petrilli -- How current education governance distorts financial decisionmaking / Marguerite Roza -- Governance challenges to innovators within the system / Michelle R. Davis -- Governance challenges to innovators outside the system / Steven F. Wilson -- Rethinking district governance / Frederick M. Hess and Olivia M. Meeks -- Interstate governance of standards and testing / Kathryn A. McDermott -- Education governance in performance-based federalism / Kenneth K. Wong -- The end of educational exceptionalism / Jeffrey R. Henig -- English perspectives on education governance and delivery / Michael Barber -- Education governance in Canada and the United States / Sandra Vergari -- Education governance in comparative perspective / Michael Mintrom and Richard Walley -- Governance lessons from the health care and environment sectors / Barry G. Rabe -- Toward a coherent and fair funding system / Cynthia G. Brown -- Picturing a different governance structure for public education / Paul T. Hill -- From theory to results in governance reform / Kenneth J. Meier -- The tall task of education governance reform / Paul Manna and Patrick McGuinn. (Verlag)


Fischer, Andreas
Hochschulweiterbildung in einem heterogenen Feld

Bericht zu Handen des Schweizerischen Wissenschafts- und Innovationsrats

, SWIR , 2014
Schweiz, Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung, Hochschule, Hochschulbildung


Döbert, Hans [Hrsg.]
Innovative Ansätze der Lehrerbildung im Ausland

Münster [u.a.]
, Waxmann , 2014 , 243 Seiten
Internationaler Vergleich, Lehrerbildung, Innovation, Skandinavien, Großbritannien, Österreich, Frankreich, Italien, Spanien, Portugal, Polen, Lettland, Australien Bis heute ist die Suche nach überzeugenden Lösungen für die Ausbildung und die berufsbegleitende Fort- und Weiterbildung von Lehrkräften, die den zunehmenden Anforderungen an den Lehrerberuf gerecht werden, von kontroversen Debatten begleitet. Insbesondere seit den Ergebnissen internationaler Leistungsstudien gibt es zahlreiche Herausforderungen für eine Neustrukturierung der Lehrerbildung. Dieser Sammelband nimmt den Auftrag des BMBF, innovative Ansätze aus der internationalen Diskussion zur Lehrerbildung zu ermitteln, als Ausgangspunkt und will mit den hier vorgestellten innovativen Maßnahmen und Überlegungen Denkimpulse für die deutsche Debatte zur Reform der Lehrerbildung geben. Diese Publikation vereint internationale Beiträge zur aktuellen Entwicklung der Lehrerbildung in Australien, England, Frankreich, Italien bis hin zu Lettland, Portugal und Skandinavien. Mit Beiträgen von Rudite Andersone, David Beckett, Sara-Julia Blöchle, Hans Döbert, Ferdinand Eder, Carlos Furio, Wolfgang Hörner, Botho von Kopp, Wolfgang Lippke, Guillaume Many, Inetta Nowosad, Lucija Rutka, Jesus Maria Sousa, Tobias Werler, Horst Weishaupt. (Verlag)


Rausch, Sebastian
Lernen regierbar machen

eine diskursanalytische Perspektive auf Beiträge der Europäischen Union zum Lebenslangen Lernen

, Springer VS , 2015 , 195 Seiten
Europäische Union, Bildungspolitik, Lebenslanges Lernen, Bildungsforschung Sebastian Rausch legt aus diskursanalytischer Perspektive die grundlegenden Rationalitäten des bildungspolitischen Konzeptes Lebenslangen Lernens offen. Die untersuchten Beiträge der Europäischen Union entwerfen ein dramatisiertes Wandelszenario, auf dessen Basis Programme für Lebenslanges Lernen verbreitet werden. Durch die quantifizierbare Darstellung mithilfe von Indikatoren und Benchmarks sowie die postulierte Bedeutung für wirtschaftliches Wachstum und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe werden Subjektivierungsangebote gemacht, die eine Verpflichtung zur Teilnahme am Lebenslangen Lernen implizieren. So gerät das Lernen des Einzelnen über die Lebensspanne in den Blick des Regierens. Der Autor liefert einen kritischen Beitrag zur Klärung der Rahmenbedingungen, mit denen Praxis und Wissenschaft der Erwachsenenbildung konfrontiert sind bzw. die sie mitgestalten sollen. Dazu legt der Autor einen foucaultschen Diskursbegriff zugrunde und passt ihn mit methodologischen Überlegungen der wissenssoziologischen Diskursanalyse an den Forschungsgegenstand an. (Verlag)


Mark, Rob [Hrsg.]; National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (England and Wales); Golding, Barry [Hrsg.]; Foley, Annette [Hrsg.]
Men Learning Through Life

, NIACE , 2014
Internationaler Vergleich, Industriestaaten, Männerbild, Mann, Lebenslanges Lernen, Partizipation, Wohlbefinden, Arbeitsloser Concerns about men's attitudes to and involvement in lifelong and life-wide learning have recently emerged in many countries. There is a growing interest in finding ways to increase men's participation and promote practices that will contribute to men's learning and wellbeing, particularly in contexts and life stages for men beyond paid work. Men Learning Through Life, the definitive text on this subject, showcases expert international contributions presenting and examining evidence from theory, research, policy and practice, illustrated with case studies. As an implicitly connected issue, the book also presents evidence and builds a case for the initial education of boys to receive particular attention, in order to break intergenerational cycles of aversion to learning for some men and some communities. The book will inform national and international policies and practices related to the learning and wellbeing of men. This is of particular importance in the current context of rising men's unemployment as an outcome of the recent and ongoing global financial crisis; population ageing; early withdrawal of predominantly working-class men from paid work; and concerns about men's functional literacies, health and wellbeing in many developed nations. (Verlag)


McMahon, Andrea; Tyrer, Clare
Passing the award in education and training

, NIACE , 2014
Großbritannien, Weiterbildner, Qualifikation, Studium, Erwachsenenbildung, Einführung The Award in Education and Training is an introductory qualification for those who want to teach in the further education and skills sector, as well as in the community, in the workplace or for offender learning. For all students and all awarding organisations, Passing the Award in Education and Training is the definitive course companion. For all students and all awarding organisations, Passing the Award in Education and Training is the definitive course companion, fully mapped to all elements of the Award and covering the 2014 Professional Standards for Teachers and Trainers in Education and Training - England. Whether you are new to teaching and training, or have some experience as a teacher/trainer or assessor and wish to achieve a formal qualification, this easy-to-use, clearly presented and highly practical text is the resource you need towards achieving qualification. Each chapter sets clear objectives, linking to the learning outcomes for the Award, and provides: all of the underpinning theory required, with practical applications; opportunities to reflect and check knowledge; tasks to help improve understanding; case studies introducing good practice; and suggested further professional development activities. A 'file' of teaching ideas provides useful signposts to further sources of information for development and reflection at deeper and broader levels. This text will of particular interest to: teacher training course leaders/managers in colleges and universities across England; those with no teaching experience wishing to gain a first qualification through the new Award in Education and Training; those already practising as teachers/trainers, assessors, learning support assistants or study coaches in further education and skills and beyond, who wish to gain a formal qualification; those enrolled on higher-level full teacher training courses, such as the Diploma in Education and Training, as a starting point to support their teaching and course work; those working in the community who have limited access to resources for the roles, who are interested in developing their skills in teaching and training practice. (Verlag)


Caffarella, Rosemary; Ratcliff Daffron, Sandra
Planning programs for adult learners

a practical guide

San Francisco, CA
, Jossey-Bass , 2013
Vereinigte Staaten, Erwachsenenbildung, Unterrichtsplanung, Handbuch, Organisation, Planung Planning Programs for Adult Learners, Third Edition covers the development of adult education programs in clear, specific detail. This popular step-by-step guide contains information on every area of program planning for adult learners, from understanding the purpose of educational programs to obtaining suitable facilities to incorporating technology appropriately. For educators and practitioners for whom planning programs is a full-time responsibility or only a part of their jobs, as well as volunteers in a variety of organizations, will find this book to be an essential tool. Grounded in a variety of program planning models, the new edition includes: * new refinements to the interactive model * updated exercises and examples from new settings * new material on the practical application of technology * discussion of instructional and program evaluation * a focus on critical managerial tasks * a new chapter on exploring the foundational knowledge of program planning * a new chapter on the ethical issues related to program planning. (Verlag)


Drayer, Lyndsay [Hrsg.]; International Conference Evoking Excellence in Higher Education and Beyond (2012 : Groningen); Wolfensberger, Marca V. C. [Hrsg.]; Volker, Judith J. M. [Hrsg.]
Pursuit of Excellence in a Networked Society

Theoretical and Practical Approaches Coming from the Conference Evoking Excellence in Higher Education and Beyond

Münster [u.a.]
, Waxmann , 2014 , 284 Seiten
Interkulturalität, Hochschulbildung, Unterrichtsmethode, Informationsgesellschaft, Globalisierung, E-Learning, Hochbegabung, Kongress Pursuit of Excellence in a Networked Society gives an overview of research and practice, describing and exploring efforts toward continuous improvement in programming to promote excellence. The talent development of students and teachers is a hot topic in today’s knowledge-based society which increasingly demands innovative, reflective, and globally-aware citizens. Educational programmes especially designed to prepare academically motivated students for their future role now wrap around the globe. Therefore, in order to support continuous growth and opportunities for challenging our advanced learners, we have opened up new opportunities for sharing knowledge and to encourage the building up of partnerships and conversations between researchers and teachers. The Research Centre for Talent Development in Higher Education and Society, headed by Marca Wolfensberger and based at Hanze University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands, organised the first international conference “Evoking Excellence in Higher Education and Beyond”. As Joseph Renzullli says in the foreword, this conference brought together scholars and educators from around the world to share their work in promoting high-level learning experiences. Presenters discussed their research and practical efforts in honours programmes, gifted programmes, and other contexts aimed at promoting advanced learning for advanced learners. This book offers a selection of the work of 59 of those presenting at this conference. Across six chapters, the following topics are discussed: teaching strategies, culture of excellence, students’ perspectives, professional excellence, ethics and intercultural perspectives, and giftedness across educational sectors. The book offers readers a comprehensive view of the field of excellence in education as well as an overview for readers interested in setting-up initiatives to foster excellence among their own students. (Verlag)


Stoppacher, Peter
Selbstorganisationen und migrantische Communities als Brücke zur Erwachsenenbildung [Elektronische Ressource]

, DIE , 2015 , 11 Seiten
Österreich, Erwachsenenbildung, Multikulturelle Gesellschaft, Einwanderung, Einwanderer, Selbstorganisation, Gemeinschaft Eine zentrale Frage des Projekts I-Connect – lebensweltorientierte Einrichtungen als Brücke zwischen MigrantInnen und Erwachsenenbildung betraf die Zugänge zur Erwachsenenbildung für Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund. Insbesondere wurden in diesem Zusammenhang die Tätigkeiten von migrantischen Vereinen und Selbstorganisationen sowie ihre mögliche Rolle als Brücke zur Erwachsenenbildung analysiert – dies vor allem mit Blick auf bildungsfernere Gruppen unter den zugewanderten Menschen. Im Folgenden wird auf diese Themen näher eingegangen, abschließend werden einige mögliche Handlungsoptionen zusammengefasst. (DIE)


Rossa, Jackie; Beere, Jackie [Hrsg.]
The Perfect Further Education Lesson

links directly to the Common Inspection Framework (CIF) 2012 criteria for further education and skills providers

Bancyfelin, Carmarthen, Wales
, Independent Thinking Press , 2014
Großbritannien, Weiterbildung, Erwachsenenbildung, Lehren, Effizienz, Kriterium, Lehrbuch The Perfect Further Education Lesson will help teachers, trainers, tutors and assessors provide consistently outstanding learning experiences that make a real difference to their learners. It removes the mystery surrounding outstanding learning, and enables staff to make the great escape - setting them free to do what really matters for their learners. It identifies key factors that make learning outstanding and provides practical advice and strategies to achieve this, as well as delivering high-quality teaching every day and also remaining undaunted by Ofsted observations. This book links directly to the Common Inspection Framework (CIF) 2012 criteria for further education and skills providers. (Verlag)