
Wolf, Alison
An adult approach to further education

, iea , 2009 , 181 Seiten
Vereinigtes Königreich , Erwachsenenbildung , Berufsbildung , Lernen am Arbeitsplatz , Bildungspolitik , Weiterbildungsmotivation In the UK, further education is a bastion of Soviet central planning that has wholly avoided the market-based reforms that have been adopted in other parts of the state sector. In terms of total spending, further education is important, but hitherto - perhaps because of its complexity - there has been little serious policy analysis of the sector. Professor Alison Wolf is one of the country's leading education academics. In this study, she explains the disastrous results of current policy and discusses, lucidly but rigorously, how reform of the sector should take place. The author proposes a new model for funding that is 'student centred', and which can lead to further and adult education once again making a major contribution to the building of a skilled workforce and educated citizenry. In developing her conclusions, the author draws on theory and evidence - including experience of reform in higher education. This monograph is essential reading for all those involved in post-compulsory education, including academics and policymakers. The first serious policy analysis of the further education sector, this title looks at the justifications for state spending on further education, how resources are allocated and the wider policy context. It details the disastrous results of current policies, showing that they are wasteful, inefficient and fail to deliver on their stated aims. It proposes a new model for funding further education which is driven by the needs of students, not the whims of bureaucrats and politicians.(Verlag)


Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
Bildung auf einen Blick 2009


, Bertelsmann , 2009 , 525 Seiten
Internationaler Vergleich , OECD , Mitgliedsstaaten , Bildungssystem , Bildungsstatistik , Bildungsabschluss , Bildungsausgaben , Bildungswesen , Bildungsökonomie , Bildungsgang , Bildungsbeteiligung , Bildungsfinanzierung , Erwachsenenbildung , Leistungsmessung , Berufsbildung , Evolution , Schulbildung , Studiengebühr Welche Bildungssysteme sind effizient? Was kann man von der Bildungspolitik anderer Länder lernen? Die aktuelle Ausgabe von "Bildung auf einen Blick - OECD Indikatoren" ermöglicht jedem Land, sein eigenes Bildungssystem im Verhältnis zu anderen Ländern zu betrachten: OECD-Indikatoren vergleichen die Bildungsniveaus und Bedingungen für Bildung der OECD-Länder untereinander. Sie erfassen, wer sich am Bildungswesen beteiligt, was dafür aufgewendet wird, wie Bildungssysteme operieren und welche Ergebnisse sie erzielen. Vom Vergleich von Schülerleistungen in Schlüsselfächern über den Zusammenhang zwischen Abschlüssen und Einkommen bis hin zu den Aufwendungen für Bildung und den Arbeitsbedingungen für Pädagogen legt die Studie umfassendes statistisches Material vor. (Verlag)


Robinson, Jane

the remarkable story of the first women to fight for an education

London [u.a.]
, Viking , 2009
Vereinigtes Königreich , Geschichte der Erwachsenenbildung , Neunzehntes Jahrhundert , Frau , Hochschulbildung , Bildungschance , Geschlechtergerechtigkeit In 1869, when five women enrolled at university for the first time in British history, the average female brain was thought to be 150 grams lighter than a man's. Doctors warned that if women studied too hard their wombs would wither and die. When the Cambridge Senate held a vote on whether women students should be allowed official membership of the university, there was a full-scale riot. Despite the prejudice and the terrible sacrifices they faced, women from all backgrounds persevered and paved the way for the generations who have followed them since. By the 1920s, being an 'undergraduette' was considered quite the fashionable thing; by the 1930s, women were emerging from universities as anything from aviation engineers to professional academics. Using the words of the women themselves, "Bluestockings" tells their inspiring story - a story of defiance and determination, of colourful eccentricity and at times heartbreaking loneliness, as well as of passionate friendships, midnight cocoa-parties and glorious self-discovery. (Verlag)


Hussain, Sabina; Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung
Das Konzept der Family Literacy. Good Practices aus Südafrika/The Concept of Family Literacy [Elektronische Ressource]

good practices from South Africa

, DIE , 2009 , 82 Seiten
Alphabetisierung , Grundbildung , Südafrika , Familienbildung In heutigen Gesellschaftsformen wird Literalität als Voraussetzung für die Teilnahme sowohl im beruflichen als auch im privaten Bereich des täglichen Lebens betrachtet. Sie gilt als Menschenrecht, als Instrument der persönlichen Partizipation (empowerment). Auf internationaler Ebene besteht Konsens darüber, dass Literalität über Chancen entscheidet und den Zugang zu den heutigen Informationsgesellschaften eröffnet. Dennoch sind viele Erwachsene in Industrie- und Entwicklungsländern aufgrund ihres unzureichenden Bildungshintergrunds gesellschaftlich marginalisiert. Der Bericht beschreibt ein Good-Practice-Beispiel aus Südafrika. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem Family Literacy Project, das im Süden des Drakensberg-Gebiets von KwaZulu-Natal in Südafrika eingeführt und umgesetzt wurde. Die Intention liegt darin, das Konzept der Family Literacy als einen innovativen Ansatz im Bereich der Erwachsenenalphabetisierung anzuerkennen. Die erfolgreiche Umsetzung des Konzepts in Südafrika dient als bemerkenswertes und übertragbares Beispiel, das mit der kulturellen, sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Heterogenität der heutigen Gesellschaften korrespondiert. Dementsprechend richtet sich der Blick nicht vorrangig auf Statistiken oder veröffentlichte Daten zur Zahl erwachsener Analphabeten in Südafrika; es wird vielmehr ein Konzept bzw. eine Methode im Bereich der Erwachsenenalphabetisierung vorgestellt, die erfolgreich in den ländlichen Regionen dieses Landes implementiert wurde. - In today's societies literacy is regarded as the prerequisite for participating in the professional and private spheres of everyday life. It is regarded as a human right, a tool for personal empowerment and a tool to influence the behaviour of individuals, families and communities. Despite the international consensus that literacy skills determine opportunities and provide access to today's information-based societies, many adults in both industrialized and developing countries find themselves on the margins of society due to their insufficient educational background. The following report depicts an example of good practice from South Africa. It focuses on the Family Literacy Project as introduced in the Southern Drakensberg area of KwaZulu-Natal. Its intention is to recognize the concept of family literacy as an alternative approach for teaching literacy to adults. The successful adaptation of the concept to the rural South African context and its realization serve as a noteworthy and transferable example that corresponds with the cultural and social heterogeneity of today's society. Accordingly, the focus of this report is not on the current situation regarding literacy levels or on published data about the number of illiterate adults in South Africa, but rather on the depiction of a concept and a methodology in the area of adult literacy that have been successfully implemented in rural regions of this country.


Jones Derek [Hrsg.]; McIntosh, Andrew [Hrsg.]; Tuckett, Alan [Hrsg.]; Woodley, Alan [Hrsg.]
Lifelong learning

a brave and proper vision ; selected writings of Naomi Sargant

, NIACE , 2009 , 384 Seiten
Vereinigtes Königreich , Open University , Lebenslanges Lernen , Lernen von Erwachsenen , Frau , Bildungssystem , Fernsehen , Bildung , Multimedia Naomi Sargant (1933 -2006) was a television executive, educator, consultant and writer. This volume of her writing raises themes as relevant and challenging today as when she first wrote them. The rights of women to educational opportunity and recognition; the challenges posed by the digital divide; the importance of recognising what learners have in common, and what separate needs must be addressed if they are to benefit from opportunities to learn – on each she locates her argument in a specific time and policy context, but the principles she articulates are universal. (Verlag)


Nuissl, Ekkehard; Egetenmeyer, Regina; Strauch, Anne; The International Course of Lecture is part of the European Master in Adult Education
Professionalisation in adult education

international perspectives

Duisburg [u.a.]
, Zentrum für informations- und Mediendienste , 2009
Internationale Erwachsenenbildung , Weiterbildung , Weiterbildner , Professionalisierung , Europäische Union , Deutschland , Afrika , Asien , Australien , Internationaler Vergleich


Alfred, Mary V. [Hrsg.]; Nanton, Carmela R. [Hrsg.]
Social capital and women's support systems: networking, learning, and surviving

, Wiley periodicals , 2009 , 100 Seiten
Vereinigte Staaten , Erwachsenenbildung , Kooperatives Lernen , Frau , Soziales Netzwerk , Soziales Kapital , Aufsatzsammlung The concept of social capital goes back to the early twentieth century. Although it has sociological underpinnings, it has been primarily applied in the business arena. Increasingly, over the last two decades, there has been a proliferation of literature that proposes a broader application of the social capital concepts to individuals, communities, societies and even adult learning. This monograph applies social capital concepts to women as adult learners in learning communities, as users of technology and as workers, and then integrates it from the perspective of adult education. We make the case that, because women tend to be more relational than men, their lives as students are integrally related to the social networks of which they are a part. We recognize that there are certain risks inherent in social capital networks and that gender bias can lead to exclusionary challenges that marginalize women as a group. On that basis, some feminist theorists have suggested that we simply eliminate the idea of social capital because of the inherent bias in the theory's underlying concepts and assumptions. Instead, we propose an integrationist approach that recognizes the relational nature of women, their historical and contemporary use of social capital networks, and the way they leverage such relationships for personal and community transformation. This is the 122nd volume of the Jossey-Bass higher education quarterly report series "New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education". Noted for its depth of coverage, "New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education" is an indispensable series that explores issues of common interest to instructors, administrators, counselors, and policymakers in a broad range of adult and continuing education settings, such as colleges and universities, extension programs, businesses, libraries, and museums.(Verlag)


European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
The dynamics of qualifications: defining and renewing occupational and educational standards

, CEDEFOP , 2009 , 75 Seiten
Europäische Union , Berufsbildung , Qualität , Qualitätssicherung , Methode , Deutschland , Dänemark , Polen , Spanien , Vereinigtes Königreich


Grip, Andries de; Smits, Wendy
What affects lifelong learning of scientists and engineers?

, 2009 , 23 Seiten
Niederlande , Weiterbildung , Wissenschaftler , Ingenieur , Lebenslanges Lernen , Informelles Lernen , Innovation This paper greatly enriches the discussion on the determinants of lifelong learning of scientists and engineers (S&Es). In our analysis, which is based on a survey among S&Es in the Netherlands, we take account of both formal training and different modes of informal learning. We find that S&Es employed in firms which apply innovative production processes more often participate in formal training and also benefit from the informal learning potential of their jobs. Therefore, public policies that stimulate process innovation also prevent skills obsolescence among S&Es. However, lifelong learning is not triggered in firms with many product innovations. S&Es who are employed in firms which operate on highly competitive markets also participate in formal training less often. The same holds for S&Es employed in small firms, although the latter compensate their lower participation in formal training by more hours of self-teaching. S&Es employed in jobs which require a high level of technical knowledge have more formal training, whereas those employed in jobs which require more general skills are significantly more involved in informal learning. Furthermore, older S&Es with long firm tenures participate in formal training less often and have fewer opportunities for learning in their jobs. Therefore, their competence level is at risk. (Verlag)