Cultural Intelligence

People know different things learned, in particular, in academic, practical or cooperative contexts: everyone has the capacity to learn thanks to cultural intelligence (Oliver, Botton, Soler, & Merrill, 2011). The contributions are taken into account by equally appreciating the origins of different opinions and knowledge. It might occur that the participants have strong knowledge of a certain field (e.g. physics or chemistry) due to their work, even though they perform non-academic work.

"All people of all ages possess skills involving language and action that can be developed through their interactions. All groups have the cultural intelligence to move beyond the classist, racist, or ageist discrimination that tends to exclude them." (Flecha, 2000, p. 9)

"The concept of cultural intelligence offers an adequate framework for moving beyond all of the deficit theories […]" (Flecha, 2000, p. 8). Thus, everyone can take part in egalitarian dialogue.



© Ric NovoMesto, 2017


© Kmop, 2017

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