Setting up a gathering

During the first meeting, together the following decisions are made.

  • We select, among all of us and through dialogue, an original scientific work or article of impact in the domain we wish to discuss. Everyone can make suggestions and discuss why it would be interesting to read it and share their thoughts about it in the gathering.
  • We decide on the chapters and pages we will read for the first/next gathering.
  • We choose a moderator.
  • We arrange the meeting time and place for the gathering.

Before the arranged gathering takes place

  • We read at home what we have agreed on, and if necessary, we look for complementary information for a more complete understanding.
  • We highlight the paragraphs that attract our attention or that we find interesting and especially like. It is important that all the participants point out at least one paragraph that they find interesting because this shapes the way the gathering is conducted. Once at each gathering, we discuss what we have read.


In this video you see how to prepare a text for a gathering.


In this video you see how things work in practice.



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