Lindmeier, Christian
Integrative Erwachsenenbildung: Auftrag - Didaktik - Organisationsformen
DIE Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung 2003(4): Behinderungen
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Institutionally organized adult education has traditionally seen the integration of social strata and groups as its most important task. However, in recent years an increasing disinterest of general adult education in integrative work is to be observed which goes along with the emergence of a specialised andragogical approach and institutional compartmentalization: people with disabilities are increasingly catered for by care facilities and financed by social welfare institutions. The emergence of a specialised branch of adult education, however, counteracts the idea of normalisation which would on the contrary imply a far-reaching implementation of integration on various levels. Of these levels, particularly the organisational one is important. The author distinguishes the practice of organisations of adult education for people with disabilities according to the degree in which they allow a cross-over towards integrative adult education. While taking into consideration the necessity of separate course offers in special cases, nevertheless the guiding principle holds true: Not integration, but segregation needs to be justified!
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