Felden, Heide von
Von der Frauenbildung über das Gender Mainstreaming zur Genderkompetenz: Geschlecht als Kategorie in der Erwachsenenbildung
REPORT Literatur- und Forschungsreport Weiterbildung 2004(3): Beteiligung und Motivation
40 - 47
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From gender related education via the gender mainstreaming to the gender competence

The different participation of women and men in adult education gives clues for their different circumstances in life and attributions that have a hierarchic impact concerning the gainful employment and securing of financial existence. These gender typical contexts are traditionally subject matter part of the women's movement or gender related educational work that took up a large space in the adult education from the 1970s to the 1990s. Today gender is mostly a theme in terms of gender mainstreaming, a political instrument that also contains gender competence trainings. If these textual offers are designed on the basis of current gender research then the there are good chances for a professional, gender sensitive work in education.
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