Weis, Michael
Reflexionen zur aktuellen Qualitätsdebatte aus subjektwissenschaftlicher Perspektive
REPORT Literatur- und Forschungsreport Weiterbildung 2005(1): Theoretische Grundlagen und Perspektiven der Erwachsenenbildung
48 - 54
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Reflections on the current quality debate from a subject scientific perspective

The subject scientific theory perspective presented in this contribution makes learning actions from the viewpoint of the learning subjects a subject of discussion. Learning is thereby not composed as a dependent variable of teaching, but as subjective justified acting, that is based on interests, needs and sensitivities which are developed by the learners against the background of societal significance constellations. This point of view on learning implicates a change of perspective: learning action is neither producible nor conditioned, but justified subjectively by the learner by his/her (life-)interests. Therefore the subject scientific learning theory refers to the necessity of a leave of the fiction of the planning and controlling possibilities of subjective learning actions and therewith also on the desideratum of a participation of the learners with the development of quality standards in further education as well as with quality assurance of educational measures.
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