Arnold, Rolf; Pätzold, Henning
Die Systemik der Kompetenzentwicklung
REPORT Literatur- und Forschungsreport Weiterbildung 2005(1): Theoretische Grundlagen und Perspektiven der Erwachsenenbildung
201 - 207
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Theoretical references in professional adult education and vocational training

To the extent that social sciences are dependent on the terms with which they are formulated also adult education underlies the impacts of terminological decisions, that can be encountered this way or another way. The usage of the term intervention is such a decision, it stands in the centre of this contribution. By interpreting the empirical results of research on self-learning competences as well as by theoretical deliberations subsequent to the system theory and systematic consultancy concepts shall be fathomed as to how far adult pedagogical drafts carry (and which practical consequences can result), when they renounce on the term of intervention. Thereby from an empirical perspective the significance of emotions, from a theoretical perspective, the concepts of a structural linkage and the reconstellation play a large role.
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