Bron, Agnieszka
Zugang nicht-traditioneller Studierenden zur Hochschule
REPORT Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung 2014(4): Opening Higher Education to Adult Learners
54 - 66
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This article discusses the consequences of increasing access of non-traditional students to higher education (HE) in Sweden for society, individuals, and HE. The findings are based on a recently finished European Research Project called Access and Retention: Experiences of Non-traditional Students in Higher Education (RANLHE) with seven countries involved. First, an introduction about opening access to HE is presented, followed by a review of Swedish HE policy. Next is a presentation of the RANLHE project including the project’s research focus, methodology and a comparison between the partner countries. The Swedish case is highlighted and a typology of non-traditional students introduced which demonstrates a change in students’ identity formation as a result of mass HE. The role of research and teaching institutions in regards to mature/non-traditional students and their impact on students’ identity formation is discussed. The article concludes with the general consequences for HE in Europe
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