Oktober 2006 bis September 2008


VINEPAC intends to develop common criteria and methodology for validating and certification the psycho-pedagogical competencies acquired by adult educators for in informal and non-formal learning contexts and settings. The innovative value of the project is according to the new demands requested by European Union related to: area of education and training; the recognition, validation and certification of non-formal and informal competencies; improving the pedagogical competencies of teachers and trainers of adults for using innovative methods and instruments.

The project is aiming to implement quality and innovation in field of adult education by creating a compatible validation of the psycho-pedagogical knowledge and competencies acquired through non-formal and informal settings by educators of adults; to combine the experience of the partners countries for a clear European visibility of the project outputs.

According to the general aim of the project, the main objectives are:

- To promote sustainable development and improvement in area of non-formal and informal psycho-pedagogical competences of adult educators

- To identify the state of the art between the system of initial and continuing education and training for the adult educators and the system of certification in the project partner countries.

- To set up a common psycho-pedagogical competencies profile for teachers and trainers working with adults, compatible at European level

- To develop a list of standards and indicators for psycho-pedagogical competencies profile of teachers and trainers working in adult education field

- To design a set of instruments meant for validating the psycho-pedagogical competencies acquired in informal and non-formal learning settings, and a guide for using these instruments

- To validate and improve a set of instruments by pilot testing and adapted to the new demands and to disseminating the products of the project at national and European level.

The main outcomes of this project are: a) the survey report for identifying the reality regarding the topic; b) the common psycho-pedagogical competencies profile for adult educator; c) the list with standards and indicators for identifying the psycho-pedagogical competencies profile of adult educators working in AE field; d) the set of instruments meant for identifying informal and non-formal psycho-pedagogical competencies and the guide for using these instruments; e) the project web site.

The project’s main target group are the adult educators (teachers, trainers, tutors, counsellors, curriculum planners and program developers, AE/LLL managers, evaluators) following the transparency, comparability, transferability and recognition of their competencies and/or qualifications.


Wie können informell und non-formal erworbene "psycho-pädagogische" Kompetenzen von Erwachsenenbildnern validiert werden?


Das Ziel des Projekts "VINEPAC" ist die gemeinsame Entwicklung eines Validierungsinstruments zur Erfassung von pädagogischen Kompetenzen von Erwachsenenbildnern. Den Ausgangspunkt hierzu stellt die Diskussion um ein Kompetenzprofil von Erwachsenenbildnern in Europa dar. Auf Basis von Länderportraits zur Situation in fünf europäischen Ländern wird im Projekt zunächst ein einheitliches Kompetenzprofil von Erwachsenenbildnern entwickelt. Darüber hinaus werden Indikatoren für die einzelnen Kompetenzen erarbeitet, die die Validierung der Kompetenzen ermögichen. Das Endprodukt stellt die Entwicklung eines Validierungsinstruments dar, über das die Kompetenzen der Erwachsenenbildner auf europäischer Ebene erfasst und validiert werden können.

Beteiligte Personen

Beteiligte Institutionen

Zuordnung zum Forschungsmemorandum für die Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung

Das Forschungsmemorandum für die Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung ist ein Koordinatensystem um Schwerpunkte der Bildungsforschung zu identifizieren.


  • Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung (DIE)
  • Europäische Kommission