Schlutz, Erhard
Didaktischer Epochenwechsel?: Klärungsbedarfe zur Weiterentwicklung des didaktischen Denkens, mit Blick auf ein DFG-gefördertes Forschungsvorhaben
REPORT Literatur- und Forschungsreport Weiterbildung 2005(3): Didaktik
18 - 26
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Didactical shift of epoch?
Needs for clarification for the further development of didactical thinking, with regard to a DFG-supported research

This contribution deals with the question, what science should clarify, explore and do in order to tackle a possible stagnation of didactical thinking (and therewith also its practical possibilities of impact). In spite of the fruitful provocation with which the didactical discussion has been revived in the last decade, especially from sides of constructivistical approaches, the proclaimed
change of paradigms seduces also to skip previous restraints of development of (adult educational) didactics instead of working on them: the idealization of learning instead of its empirical exploration, the polarization between “natural“ learning and institutionalized learning instead of a description of its true variety, the narrowed view on the learning scene instead of inclusion of the economic, organizational and macro-didactical changes, the danger of a theoretical reduction instead of further working on a – obviously exhausted – formation of models. In order not to leave these deliberations on the claim level only, an example of own research practice is sketched.
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