Dewe, Bernd
Der Professionalitätsanspruch der Weiterbildung im Spannungsfeld zwischen Managerialismus, evidenzbasierter Praxis und Teilnehmerverpflichtung
REPORT Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung 2005(4): Professionalität, Beruf, Studiengänge
9 - 18
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The pretentions on professionalization of further education in the area of tension between managerism, evidence based practice and obligation of participants

The transformation of the welfare state also leads to a change in professional profiles in further education. This shows among others in the tendencies of de-professionalization, such as in the form of a (re-) subordination of adult pedagogical professional roles and activities under the logics of administration, market and law or other professions or in a substitution of professionalism of procedure and manuals. At the same time one can find evidence that the, by means of the structural change, conditioned increase of complexity of social risks makes this requisite: an extended knowledge and competence structures that are not contained to a sufficient degree in the so far trafficked variations of adult pedagogical professionalism. Against the background this contribution deals with the risks of the structural change and questions of the substantiation, the suppositions and limits of future-oriented forms of adult pedagogical professionalism.
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