Euringer, Caroline
Grundbildung im Spannungsfeld bildungspolitischer Ein- und Abgrenzungsinteressen
Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung 2016(2): Politiken der Grundbildung im internationalen Vergleich
241 - 254
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This contribution deals with the definition of adult basic education and its entanglement with interests and power relations in the field of public education administration of the German Laender. As the New Literacy Studies view literacy as a social practice that is related to interests and power relations, guided interviews concerning the definition of adult basic education as well as legitimising rationales from the perspective of education administration were illustrated. The interviews are based on a subject-logical approach and interpretations are linked to Neo-Institutionalism and Bourdieu’s theory on the state as a field of power. The findings show that the definition of adult basic education is not only grounded in general objectives such as participation and learning, but also responsibilities and financial rationales play a significant role in shaping the concept of adult basic education. Thus, dominant concepts of adult basic education are – in contrast to broader definitions – limited to reading, writing and numeracy.
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