Hetfleisch, Petra; Goeze, Annika; Schrader, Josef
Wie PraktikerInnen wissenschaftliche Befunde verwenden. Selektions- und Rezeptionsprozesse bei der Implementation eines evidenzbasierten Trainingskonzepts
Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 63(2), 182-205
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There is currently a strong demand for more evidence-based pedagogical practice. This paper, therefore, examines how pedagogical practitioners deal with scientific evidence on a voluntary basis. Previous research has hinted at various ´fractions of implementation´. In particular, it is still uncertain how evidence-based training offers for implementation are perceived by pedagogical practitioners and on which grounds these offers are received and judged by practitioners as they seeks to implement the training concepts into their own regular practice. This is exemplarily explored in the present study using an evidence-based training concept as the object of implementation. Focused interviews were conducted with 37 teacher trainers and analysed using qualitative content analysis. The results show that teacher trainers talked freely about the content, its specific preparation, theoretical basis and the teaching and learning aims of the training concept but did not address the scientific evidence. The teacher trainers use person- and context-related justifications for their judgment but not evidence-based gorunds. The results are discussed in light of profession theories and with regard to their potential for further research.
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