Arnold, Rolf
Abschiedliche Bildung: Anmerkungen zum erwachsenenpädagogischen Verschweigen des Todes
REPORT Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung 2006(3): Alter und Bildung
19 - 28
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Adult education is also stamped by linear legends, including its implicit models of biography. These are, as shall be shown in the first section of this consideration, concepts of a setting-out-biography. They oversee the aspect of life coming to an end. For that reason adult education often just shows half of the picture of an adult. The adult appears as a timeless entity, being in principle open for development. His “Unteachableness” is not really seen as a result of the structural rigidity of his patterns of interpretation and emotion according to an ever shortening time perspective, which shall be discussed further in the second section of this article. The search for a leading difference between and adults from a observer theoretical point of view – as shown in the third section – hides the continuation of childlike aspects in adults and leads to a construct, which is not able to see the character of leavin in adult life. That is how adult education loses the very substance of the adult and his/her education and formation, which – as shown in the fourth section – is shaped between re-cognition and leaving.
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