Dräger, Horst
Aufklärung über Andragogik: Kulturhistorische Betrachtungen zum Primat der Andragogik in der Anthropagogik
Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung 2017(2): Geschichtsschreibung und Quellenkritik
127 - 152
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In the view of cultural history, andragogy precedes pedagogy. The task of the andragogy is the social distribution of cultural innovations. The passing on of such innovation to the following generation is the task of pedagogy. Andragogy and pedagogy have been carried out over thousands of years in the mode of informal learning. With the dawn of literacy, formal learning emerges which then institutionalizes forms of schooling for the young generations. Institutions for andragogical formal learning have been created with Renaissance and Reformation, with agrarian and scientific-technical revolution as well as Enlightenment. The cultural theory and the cultural history of the Enlightenment address the relationship between andragogy and pedagogy as human formation (anthropagogy). Pedagogy has not followed this theory. Instead it insists on the position of being the original and proper education.
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