Przybylski, Błażej
Demokratie und Bildung: Politische Erwachsenenbildung unter Pädagogikstudierenden in Polen
Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung 2017(2): Geschichtsschreibung und Quellenkritik
153 - 169
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The article presents the results of the author’s study on the views of pedagogy students on politics and education. The research has been undertaken subsequently to the 2015 parliamentary elections won by the party “Prawo i Sprawiedliwosc” (“Law and Justice”, PiS). During the election campaign, this party’s program offered radical changes, also in the Polish educational system. The aim of the study was the recognition of the level of interest in politics, the approach to democracy and education as well as the students’ relation to the solutions in the educational system proposed by the winning party. The result shows discrepancies between general views on education (rather lefty and liberal) and the first modifications of the party (rather right-wing and conservative). This finding gives reason to verify the aims and methods of political education of adults in Poland, as well as in other European countries.
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