Witthaus, Udo
Projektförderung ersetzt Infrastruktursicherung: Strukturwandel auf nordrhein-westfälisch
DIE Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung 2007(2): Drittmittel
38 - 40
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Supporting Projects Replaces Safe-guarding the Infrastructure. Northrine-Westphalian structural change. The state funds of Northrine-Westphalia for further education were reduced from € 120 Mio to € 88 Mio between 2000 and 2007 by governments of different colours. The most recent reduction was carried out while promising € 12 Mio annually out of the European Social Funds (ESF) instead. This rearrangement from institutional base support to project-oriented support is a great challenge for further education. The article, by a managing director of a Community Adult Education Centre, analyses the first structural changes and discusses the long-term consequences. Only 40 % of the Northrine-Westphalian Community Adult Education Centres of different regions have participated in ESF-funds so far. The author evaluates the rearrangement as the introduction of structural insecurity into the system and discusses whether the politically set topics are the same all over the federal state or whether this may lead to fading out the regional particularities.
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