Wolf, Gertrud
Der Lernhabitus - ein Schlüssel zum lebenslangen Lernen
DIE Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung 2007(2): Drittmittel
43 - 45
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„Learn habitus“ has its roots in the concept of habitus by the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. According to Bourdieu the „habitus“ is represented in the whole of all signs of life, i.e. the daily routine, job, clothes, behaviour, taste, value judgement, in which a person is bedded and which has become the person’s second nature. If our behaviour can be understood as ways of expressing the habits, so can be the way we learn. The learn habitus represents the whole of the learning disposition of an individual which they have acquired in the course of their life in primary and secondary social contexts. The learning habits present a key role in regard to the requirement of life-long learning: They provide the elite classes with the ability to learn due to the perfect adjustment to changing social requirements, although, the classes a long way off education are not only disadvantaged because of the deficit of not acquired knowledge, but particularly because of the crucial lack of a general learning ability.
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