Knauber, Carolin
Publisher Correction to: International-vergleichende Forschung zur Bildungspolitik: Literatur-Review theoretischer Ansätze und Perspektiven der vergleichenden Politikwissenschaft
Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung 2017(3): Offenheit
347 - 374
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The field of education policy, in particular adult education policy, is gaining importance in recent international-comparative research on education and adult education. In comparative politics, education policy is also a young but increasingly established issue. The close connection of education policy to the discipline of comparative politics, as well as theories used in that discipline, provide a well-founded research approach on education policy, which should be considered by international-comparative research on adult education. This paper is a literature review, systematically analysing publications dealing with educational policy topics in an international-comparative perspective, using approaches and theories from the discipline of comparative politics. The contribution is based on a systematic literature research in relevant databases for the period 2006 to 2016. 65 titles were included in this literature review. The theories and approaches identified in the publications include the Welfare State Theory, Varieties of Capitalism, Partisan Theory, Globalisation and Europeanisation, Path dependency, and Actor-centered Institutionalism. This paper presents the theoretical approaches used in the publications and outlines their research results. Additionally, the paper discusses limitations, potential use and benefits of these theories and approaches for international-comparative research on adult education policy.
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